Christians, We Have Peace. Show It.
American Christians, it is time to have bold peace as we elect our next President and government officials. As we await the inevitable shift in our country’s leadership, how are you doing with showing your peace, strength, and hope?
If we can have peace that “transcends understanding” (see Phil. 4:7) during times of death, grief, illness, warfare, natural disasters, but not during an election, then something is wrong with our faith.
Peace as a Witness
It has been said that your witness as a Christian is often “the only Bible that people will ever read.”
If that statement is true, then why do we go online and post our fears, insecurities, doubts, hate towards others’ political affiliations, etc.? No one wants to read that Bible (let alone your post).
Girl, if you sing about “peace like a river” then why does your river look like a tsunami filled with the Kraken?
Now is not the time to fret. It is the time to trust. Always.
Paul had Peace
Imagine if Paul, who was living in the time of Nero (an emperor who used Christians as human torches), was so enraptured with worry in political processes that he never went out to the market to preach and share the Word? Or he never penned any of his letters and books of the Bible?
Believers, let us not forget to partake in the Christian Political Sandwich:
Pray. Vote. Pray.
If you are lacking peace over the presidential election, might I encourage you to pray?
Rejoice always,pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.- 1 Thess. 5:16-18
Christians, We Have Strength. Show it.
Our strength does not lie in who we vote for, but in who we trust in. We trust in God.
Did you know that while it appears as though sinful humans (that is all of us) are in charge of counting ballots, running elections, and governing our nations- God is ultimately in charge of it all.
I do believe in free will and that God has granted us the ability (as we are made in His image) to plan, but as the Word says:
The mind of man plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps. (Prov. 16:9)
And we even have Scripture specificity on how to live under authority!
Every [a]person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except [b]from God, and those which exist are established by God.- (Romans 13:1)
Again, this was persecuted Paul writing under Emperor Nero’s sadistic rule! Do you see the strength in the Word?
Let’s get this straight, if God establishes the ones in charge, then it logically follows that HE IS THE ONE IN CHARGE.
The God of the Universe! Literally the source of our strength. Let us be strong in our trust. Lord, help us be strong!

We Have Peace, We Have Strength, and We Have Hope. Show It.
If we are posting or lamenting apathy, then where is our hope? Remember, we are called to:
but ]sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;- (1 Pet. 3:15)
Show your hope in what you say. If you do not have any hope in a human-run election, that is okay. But you should have hope in Jesus Christ.
When celebrities and or billionaires call you “dumb” or Facebook friends claim that you are stupid for who you vote for- Pray for them. If you live close by, offer to mow their lawn!
That is, after all, what Jesus said to do.
“bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”- (Luke 6:28)
Paul had so many haters. Including Christians! He did not have time to address all of them.
But he did stand on truth and bring to light the “fruitless deeds of darkness.”
- Pray for those who you do not agree with or for those who hate what you stand for.
- Bring to light what God stands for, and what He is against.
- Share the gospel!
More important than the next four years is: ETERNITY.
Paul was said to go into the markets daily and share the gospel. Are we doing this wherever we go? With our family and friends at the very least?
If you see a supporter of Harris or Trump, you are more than likely triggered to judge. I encourage you- use the trigger to pray.
Let that yard sign be a sign to pray.
Lord, I pray that I stay humble in this election. Before, during and after. I pray that I make your gospel known: that Jesus paid the price for my sins through His death and resurrection on the cross. That He did what I could never do. And because of that I have peace, strength, hope, and eternal life with You, Father. Thank you. Let me have wisdom, Holy Spirit. Illuminate my life with Your Word, so that I might be a holy flashlight in this dark world. In Jesus’s Name, we pray. Amen.