January 20, 2025

Fifty years ago today I gave my life to Christ. I was a very little girl, having just turned four years old the month prior. I didn’t understand everything about salvation, but I well understood my need for a Savior. I said the sinner’s prayer and committed my life to Jesus. That life-changing, eternity-altering choice was five decades ago today. In light of such a huge milestone, starting twelve months ago leading up to today, I’ve been commemorating my personal... Read more

October 22, 2024

During the summer of 1981, while visiting family in Oklahoma, I encountered an unforgettable moment with history. As a little girl playing with my cousin’s Barbie collection, I was one of about 750 million people around the world watching Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s wedding. That afternoon, I went back-and-forth between the worlds of pretend and pageantry. I never imagined I’d someday go with my very own prince to where that royal wedding unfolded:  the spectacular Saint Paul’s Cathedral in... Read more

October 1, 2024

Ever since childhood, I’ve been fascinated with rocks and stones, gems and jewels. My husband teases me that, when I travel, I come home with rocks in my backpack – – – and, in fact, I usually do. From rock shops to mountain tops, I love to meander and look for shiny stones. So, seeing the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom was particularly interesting to me. Our first morning to awaken in England, I could hardly wait as we... Read more

September 9, 2024

This year I’ve deeply pondered the truths of John chapter one. As I’ve considered all that God wants to show us through His Word in this chapter of Scripture, this poem has been welling up within me – – – to be poured out and hopefully inspire others to “Come and See,” as well. Be encouraged! ❤️ Tosha “Come and See” “Look and see,” they welcomed me  And so I went and saw –  The stories they each share with... Read more

September 6, 2024

Throughout history, the Tower of London has not typically been a place people wanted to visit. After all, pain and suffering is something most of us want to avoid. However, back in May, when our gracious hosts offered to take us to the Tower, I jumped at the opportunity. I’ve always been curious about the Tower of London and was excited to see it in person. So, as we began our visit to London on a bright and beautiful May... Read more

August 14, 2024

In our ever tumultuous world, sometimes God calls to us through the chaos and noise of our lives. Other times He speaks to us in the still and quiet places. Through it all, He beckons us to pay attention, and, when we pay attention, His Word promises us peace like a river. We can experience that peace spiritually, deep within our souls, in ways no circumstances can affect. However, sometimes we are also privileged to experience that peace very physically,... Read more

June 1, 2024

There are trips, vacations, adventures and tours, but then, on the rarest of occasions, there are the trips of a lifetime. I just experienced one of these with my husband and another couple. It was a two-week trip to England and Scotland, an inexplicable gift from our friends for my husband Kelly completing his 100th reading of the Bible. The four of us discussed and planned this amazing trip for over a year, and in May, it finally arrived. Turns... Read more

February 27, 2024

In the history of the world, a small group of women have witnessed their husbands do something extraordinary. Some of these wives had husbands who founded nations, walked on the moon, or climbed Mount Everest. Some of these women saw their men win impossible battles, discover world-changing truths, or rescue many lives. In each case, they  surely watched the achievement while also intimately knowing the sacrifice, discipline, and dedication required. These women’s personal stories and perspectives are mostly lost to... Read more

January 31, 2024

I am a bit jubilant right now, because this month I reached my Jubilee year with Jesus. As of January 2024, I’ve journeyed with Jesus for forty-nine years now. The Old Testament teaches that the completion of the forty-ninth year marks the beginning of the year of Jubilee. God declared this celebration for His people Israel, and, this year, I have decided to embrace it as a celebration in my life, too. However, Jubilee is meant to be celebrated in... Read more

December 22, 2023

What if the way you lead your family to celebrate this Christmas ends up changing the world? Such may seem like a far-fetched possibility, because we all know there are countless ways to celebrate this holiday. A quick internet search of Christmas traditions gives more ideas and possibilities than we can possibly incorporate into our homes. We can go all out or keep it simple for Christmas. But, what if, this year, we intentionally lead our families into a Christmas... Read more

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