October 24, 2024

Pink ribbons abound, fighting with monsters for top spots in the stores. It’s October, yet again. The month we celebrate monsters and scary things, including the most terrifying thing of all – Cancer.  Specifically, Breast Cancer.  Before 2019, I was indifferent about breast cancer. I knew several people who had breast cancer, even one who died because of it. As a nurse, I fully supported the push to get women in for mammograms and encouraged them to do monthly breast... Read more

October 11, 2024

You’re not feeling well, so you make an appointment to see your doctor. You go in, the doctor asks the details of your symptoms and does a physical exam. They may order blood work, imaging, or other testing. After gathering all the data, they tell you what to do to help you feel better. Most likely, you expect a medication to help you feel better. Everyone is familiar with certain types of treatments for certain things. If you break a... Read more

August 29, 2024

The Physical Side of Life    Before discussing how the mind, body and spirit interact, we should look into each separately. As the part that carries around our mind and spirit and physically interacts with our world, the body is the first thing we will look into.    The Miracle of the Body Everyone starts the same, a combination of half of our biological mother’s and half of our biological father’s DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). The two halves of the DNA... Read more

March 18, 2024

A Brief Introduction to the Medical Side of A Nurse’s Heart I wanted to take a moment to introduce you to the second half of A Nurse’s Heart. I simply cannot concentrate on just the differences between the mind, body and soul. As a nurse, I care deeply about my patient’s physical health. That is the main focus of my nursing practice.  My Focus Unlike healthcare websites, I plan on concentrating on walking you through making decisions based on health... Read more

March 5, 2024

If you are reading this, you are probably curious why a nurse would include the soul in a blog about health. As a nurse and a person of faith, I believe every person has a soul. I also believe that it affects our lives and our health.  You may not believe the same thing I believe in. You may believe strictly in a physical world, where once we die we are no more. You may believe in a universal consciousness... Read more

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