Worldly Realm vs Gods Realm 3D-5D Journey to Greatness

Worldly Realm vs Gods Realm 3D-5D Journey to Greatness October 14, 2024

Dimensions and Healing: A Journey Beyond

*Alright, listen up, y’all! Life can feel like we’re stuck in this never-ending hustle, right? We wake up every day, grind it out at work, and try to get ahead, feeling like we’re chained to this human experience. This vibe we’re talking about? It’s the 3D experience, where competition runs rampant and it’s all about “survival of the fittest.” In this space, life can feel like a constant struggle, leaving us caught up in this cycle of stress and anxiety.*

*At this point, we might find ourselves chasing after material things, acting like our worth is all about job titles, bank accounts, or social status. The pressure to fit into what society wants can feel like a heavy weight on our shoulders! We’re hustling for promotions and accolades, thinking those are gonna bring us happiness. But guess what? As we roll through this dimension, we often realize that this constant chase leaves us feeling empty and disconnected from our true purpose.*

*Now, as we start to shift into that 4D dimension, baby, that’s when the real transformation begins! This is where the journey of self-discovery kicks off. In 4D, we start seeking deeper meaning in our lives. We get open to spiritual ideas and fresh ways of thinking. It’s like a veil gets lifted, and suddenly we can see beyond the material world and dive deep into what our existence is all about through faith.*

*This transition makes us reflect on our beliefs, and we start to see how our mindset shapes our reality. If we’re stuck in negativity and fear, guess what? Life’s gonna mirror those vibes. But when we flip the script—embracing love and positivity, like our girl Jesus taught us—we start attracting that same energy. We begin to grasp the idea of duality, realizing that life ain’t just black and white; it’s a whole spectrum of experiences that mold us in Christ.*

*As we embrace this awareness in 4D, we develop a deeper sense of compassion. We start seeing the world through a more empathetic lens, recognizing that everyone is on their own journey, facing challenges we might not even understand. This phase is crucial for healing; we let go of those judgments we held in 3D, which leads to some serious personal growth. We learn to forgive ourselves and others, echoing Jesus’ teachings to love and forgive just like He’s done for us.*

*Now, moving into that 5D state? That’s where the magic happens in our spiritual journey! Here, we dive even deeper into healing and growth. One of the biggest realizations in 5D is understanding that every experience—whether we label it “good” or “bad”—is valuable for our soul’s growth. We start appreciating that every challenge serves a purpose, teaching us lessons that are essential to God’s plan for us.*

*In 5D, authenticity becomes our jam! We realize that being true to ourselves—just as God created us—is the most powerful thing we can do. This authenticity opens up the floodgates to love, which becomes our guiding light. We find that love transcends all boundaries, connecting us to each other and the universe in ways we never thought possible. Just like 1 John 4:16 (NIV) says, “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”*

*When we embrace this love, we feel this deep connection—not just with those around us, but with the earth and the cosmos. It’s an indescribable feeling, like we’re woven into the very fabric of existence. In 5D, we realize there’s no competition because God’s universe is abundant! There’s more than enough for everyone. This understanding breaks those chains of jealousy and comparison, letting us celebrate each other’s wins as well as our own.*

*In this dimension, we often find ourselves building strong spiritual connections with our spirit guides and angels, who are right there with us as we navigate through life. These connections become essential as we seek guidance from God and Jesus, who are encouraging us to trust in the divine plan laid out for us. We learn to listen to the whispers of the Holy Spirit, guiding us toward our highest potential and purpose.*

*But here’s the real talk: this journey through these dimensions isn’t just for us individually; it’s a collective experience, y’all! As we evolve, we’re raising the collective consciousness and lifting the vibe of the planet. This shift is crucial in today’s world, where so many are waking up to the possibilities of a more harmonious and loving life. By embracing our journeys through these dimensions, we create a ripple effect, inspiring others to start their own paths of healing and self-discovery through faith in Christ.*

**What Does Linda Think?**

*As I reflect on this journey, I truly believe we’re all called to embrace our true selves and seek those deeper connections with the universe and with God. Each dimension gives us unique opportunities for healing and growth, guiding us to a more compassionate and loving existence. Romans 12:2 (NIV) reminds us, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” This transformation is key as we move from the constraints of 3D to the endless possibilities of 5D.*

*So let’s take this journey together, moving from struggle to understanding and ultimately to love. By recognizing the value in every experience and cultivating a sense of authenticity rooted in our faith, we unlock deeper connections with ourselves, each other, and the universe. Together, we can create a world that embodies love, compassion, and abundance—just as God desires for us, paving the way for a brighter future for all. In doing so, we honor our individual paths and reflect the light of Christ in everything we do.*

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