January 29, 2025

How to Find Real Purpose in a World of Illusions Summary New generations look for meaning in their lives. It can be very difficult to find, especially if you look in all the wrong places. How do we find meaning in our dreary lives? It’s a question I’ve wrestled with answering for over 70 years. When I was a teen I wore black pants. One day I went shopping for more pants and the stores no longer carried black. I... Read more

January 22, 2025

Finding Hope in Times of Division People have very different views on the last two US elections. They represent the divisions within the US. My view—I’m not partial to either party—and taking a long view of history, is that these are birth pangs that will give birth to something better. I have issues that I care deeply about. New generations, which spoke loudly in the election by not supporting either candidate, have issues they care deeply about and will decide... Read more

January 16, 2025

Podcast show links: Substack, YouTube video, Spotify, and Apple podcasts. These appear a day after these blog-article posts. Summary Is the law really something that is within us? Does compassion play a role? The answer is yes, but with limitations. What does having the law within us mean? The statements in the Bible aren’t specific. We know it’s God’s law. God’s law is not Jewish law. God’s law precedes Jewish law. Having the law within could mean the Noahide law... Read more

January 8, 2025

Summary Podcast show links: Substack, YouTube video, Spotify, and Apple podcasts. Why does love fulfill the law? The Apostle Paul was sent to non-Jews. He wasn’t to make them Jews or have them adopt Jewish law. He was to help them understand how to live through love. Reference verses: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. – Matthew 5:17 “When Jesus had received the... Read more

January 1, 2025

Spread these ideas liberally (AKA repeat after me) Summary Podcast links: Substack, YouTube. Also on Spotify and Apple podcasts. I really dislike taking down the Christmas decorations after New Years. It’s such a sparkly, bright period filled with hope and goodwill. Our house looks barren of sparkle just as does our reality. We’re back to normal, and normal leaves a lot to be desired. We need to solve problems that are causing endless chaos and misery. Entering 2025, a quarter... Read more

December 30, 2024

Much to celebrate Podcast links It’s admiration day. Each Friday, we should look at what we’ve accomplished, celebrate it, or at least do so at the end of the year. It’s the end of the year. Looking at our past accomplishment is encouraging, and past success is a solid platform for future success. Gen Z and Millennials are making themselves heard. They spoke loudly in the election, having greater voting power than older generations and they add around 41 million... Read more

December 23, 2024

Frivolity and heart, Pathos and Pith – We love kittens; do we care enough about others’ suffering to make change? I think we do! I think we can do more. Podcast. Summary New generations are activists who take their responsibilities in this world seriously. Nearly one-third of Gen Zers (32%) are regularly engaged in activism or social justice work. This compares to 24% of millennials and 23% of all adults who help others. Around 30% of the people in churches... Read more

December 16, 2024

Summary – Blessed are the peacemakers. Podcast on Substack  With hate, we have more to lose than gain – break the cycle We each stand in acres of ill will. The outcry, no matter how justified, drowns us. People live in fear of the future. We drink poison hoping our enemies will die. Spiritually, we fill the universe with bad will toward those we hate. Jesus said to us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.... Read more

December 12, 2024

Do Thoughts and Prayers Work? Podcast  Video podcast on YouTube. Summary New generations want spirituality that is real. Not some flight of fantasy. Thoughts and prayers are the butt of jokes. But do they actually work, or are they a convenient fantasy? The short answer is yes, they work. The long answer is, it’s very complicated. Bible reference verse “This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.... Read more

December 5, 2024

The Search for Self-Worth: Beyond Likes and Sacrifices Audio podcast: Finding Your True North audio podcast Video podcast: Finding Your True North video podcast. Summary I admire new generations for sticking up for their values. But implementing those values, which are actually similar to most peoples’, isn’t without controversy. It puts them in the precarious position of standing alone against the prevailing winds of public hate and ambivalence. It’s a lonely place. It shakes their confidence in themselves. The church... Read more

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