As we ring out 2024, what are we taking with us into the new year? Memories? Experiences? Lessons learned? Whatever it may be, may it guide us into the new year. As we explore Part Three of He Loved Us, let us take with us a deeper devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
A Devotion Rooted in the Person of Jesus

Throughout history, holy men and women sought the heart of Christ, holding to the power of the Sacred Heart. One figure is St. Francis de Sales. St. Francis was renowned for fleshing out the spirituality for the laity. In turn, “Saint Francis sought to express the extent to which Christ’s love for each of us is not something abstract and generic, but utterly personal, enabling each believer to feel known and respected for who he or she is,” (no. 115).
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, who helped to spread the devotion to the Sacred Heart, shows us that love through the Sacred Heart is all consuming, yet does not diminish in its giving. “This is the heart that so loved human beings that it has spared nothing, even to emptying and consuming itself in order to show them it’s love,” (no. 121). Love, in order for it to be real, must cost something. Love entails sacrifice. Devotion to the Sacred Heart is an encounter with the person of Jesus, a person who gives his heart entirely and never ceases in giving.
A Devotion of Heart Speaking to Heart

The Little Flower St. Therese also reveals to us the depth of Sacred Heart devotion. She recounts speaking to the Sacred Heart:
“You know that I myself do not see the Sacred Heart as everyone else. I think that the Heart of my Spouse is mine alone, just as mine is his alone, and I speak to him in the solitude of this delightful heart to heart, while waiting to contemplate him one day face to face,” (no. 134).
Devotion to the Sacred Heart is between you and Jesus. It’s a relationship built on constant communication between his heart and yours. Jesus speaks directly and particularly to your heart. Does your heart speak to Jesus? What does it say to him? St. Therese teaches us that being devoted to the Sacred Heart means allowing the Heart of Jesus to claim our hearts. Letting his heart rule ours forges a bond and we must nurture this bond through constant communication. Bring to Jesus your happiness, worries, questions, anger, whatever it may be, offer it to him.
Speaking heart to heart with Jesus is a practice even in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Pope Francis notes, “St. Ignatius tells us that we can share our concerns with the Lord and seek his counsel,” (no 144). Remaining in constant conversation with Jesus helps us discern our life experiences. Discernment of the spirit is a gift explained in the Spiritual Exercises, given by Jesus if we are open to receiving and utilizing it. Discerning God’s will is what keeps our heart connected with Jesus’.
A Devotion That Endures Today

In the coming year, the Church will witness the canonization of two great young people during the Jubilee Year of Hope: Blessed Carlo Acutis and Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. Both Blessed Carlo and Blessed Pier Giorgio had great devotion to the Eucharist, and because of this, are connected to the devotion to the Sacred Heart. Pope Francis notes in the encyclical about devotional witness across time:
“The enduring relevance of devotion to the heart of Christ is especially evident in the work of evangelization and education carried out by the numerous male and female religious congregations whose origins were marked profoundly by Christological devotion,” (150).
Both Blessed Carlo and Bless Pier Giorgio did not belong to religious congregations (though Blessed Pier Giorgio was a Lay Dominican). They were both laymen who were on fire for Christ. This is unique because it goes to show that devotion to the Sacred Heart is not only for the religious, but for everyone. These two young men were great witnesses, an inspiration for young people everywhere. Blessed Carlo had a keen interest in computers and a fascination with Eucharistic Miracles. Blessed Pier Giorgio was a mountaineer who sought to bring Christ to the poor.
Let us ring in 2025 with a deeper devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This devotion has stood the test of time through many holy men and women as beautiful witnesses. Devotion is allowing our hearts to be claimed by Jesus, a relationship nurtured by heart to heart conversation. It’s fundamentally an encounter with the person of Jesus, whose love is all consuming and never ceases in giving.