A broken perspective leads to broken decision-making.
Broken decision-making then gives birth to a broken woman. No matter where she goes in life if she can’t shift her mindset she will remain stuck spiritually and emotionally.
These are some of the negative thoughts that I have had about myself in the past. These ugly viewpoints came to me by way of comments overheard, unrealistic media portrayals, and the stupid ice troll that is my nagging inner critic. Ugh, I hate that chick.
Y’all know I’m not just a blogger, YouTuber, and social media personality. I’m a Minister and a Coach that is passionate about winning in life. And not just me winning, but you winning. Yes YOU reading this right now. I don’t have to know you personally to care about you and to want God’s best for you.
Welcome back to Live Full Die Empty, where we believe in filling our cups with love, not just coffee!
I love what I do and I love who I get to serve. In fact, I’m about to serve in a way that’s even more up close and personal. This week I’ll have deep conversations with women about their thoughts patterns, emotional needs and spiritual healing. As a preacher and teacher I realize that the messages God gives me are for me first. Honey, let me tell you that’s no easy thing. It’s actually one of the reasons why I pray for sensitivity.
Limiting beliefs can cloud that sensitivity as there are always two voices in my head- mine and God’s. My voice poses questions, while God’s gives answers. My voice sometimes brings me down, while God’s always lifts me up. Which brings me to my Gratitude Point for the week. Let me take a moment to show some gratitude for a heart that hears. I hear God deep in my soul speaking things that shape my character. I hear Him say, “Be quite” or “Be still” or “Look again.” I’m so grateful that He keeps me safe and in His will even when I want to be reckless.
What it really comes down to is a type of rewiring or reprogramming. If you come from a family like mine, then you didn’t always hear kind words and you internalized those things. And if you are like me, it was much easier to be angry and cutting with words, both to others as well as yourself. I want to challenge you today to invite the Holy Spirit to invade the part of your heart that speaks those ugly truths. Get to the root of it and replace it with loving self-talk and kind words for others. Start with this short list.
Instead of these harmful things:
I’m not good enough.
I always make mistakes.
I’m a failure.
I’m not good at this.
They are better than me.
Say these uplifting things:
I did my best today and I’m learning new things
I do many things well.
This didn’t work, but I’m learning and I’ll try again another way.
I will practice more.
I’m better at other things.
The way to dismantle limiting beliefs is to replace them with empowering affirmations. A shift in perspective will yield a fresh outlook which gives rise to growth spiritually, personally, and professionally.
Peace be unto you Friend.