Those of you who know me personally, know that one thing is true: “This Girl Loves Christmas!” Almost everything about it is something I look forward to, with an eager heart. From decorating to shopping, wrapping and preparing to be with family and friends, “I Am All In!” You can be assured that my mind is set and determined to make it the best it can be for everyone I know and love. No matter how tired I get, or how anxious I become trying to get it all done, I still love it!
Traditions have been created and honored, and I hope some will remain long after I am gone. My heart is full of hope for keeping the Christmas magic shining bright throughout the generations, particularly in the memories of all that I hold dear! But, honestly, it’s so much more than the lights, presents, trees, and decor; and it’s why I write this column. I’ll share more later! But first…
I Know Christmas Isn’t Always Full of Cheer for Everyone~
Now, with all that said, I do want to acknowledge the fact that Christmas isn’t always easy for many people, for varied reasons. Perhaps the highest on the list might be the fact that they are missing loved ones who are no longer here to celebrate. I can relate, I assure you! So many people I love are no longer here to join us this Christmas, and it does sadden my heart. It’s also true that losing a loved one near the holiday makes it all the more difficult, and those memories are often harder to deal with.
Speaking from experience, I can tell you that my Dad passed away on December 19, 2018, after a hard battle with cancer, and those memories come creeping in uninvited at the weirdest of times. I miss him, and wish I could have another Christmas with him! These types of memories are sometimes hard to push aside, and can give us reasons to dread and dislike the season all together if we allow ourselves to focus on the pain. I think my Daddy would want me to enjoy the holiday with my children, family and friends, so it makes it a little easier. Knowing he is in Heaven, makes it easier too!
My heart goes out to all those who are grieving; and especially to those who just lost loved ones recently. I pray for God’s comfort, and my hope is that every single one of you can find a little joy through the holiday.
Perhaps Focusing on the Real Reason for the Season Will Help?
No matter the circumstances we face, let’s be intentional and mindful of the real reason for this wonderful season of celebration. It is not about us… This is a celebration in honor of a King! A King who came to Earth, as a baby in a manger, who also knew that He would one day suffer a horrible death upon the cross of Calvary.
My heart overflows with gratitude, and I find it vitally important to share a few facts about this King:
This King Willingly Chose to Come!l He loved us so much that He left His Heavenly Home, in order to make a way, where there was no way! He surrendered His life to cover the penalty for our sins!
It’s all still truly amazing to me, even after decades of knowing Him! And I find myself wondering:
“How About You? Do You Know this King We Celebrate?”
I think that many of us assume that everyone knows the name of this King, but sadly, I am beginning to think this isn’t necessarily true in the world we live in today. Then I think that it is entirely possible that those of us who do know and love Him, take for granted the heritage we have been given that introduced us to Him at times. Would you agree? Or maybe, we forget the opportunities that were given to us that led us to Jesus and assume everyone is afforded those same chances. But what if that’s just not true?
This is the reason I write this column. In sheer hopes of reaching someone, anyone, with the truth before it’s too late! I can’t speak for you, but I can see how truly blessed I am, and how blessed my family is to know this King and I want to share Him with the world!
This King I’m Speaking of is Jesus Christ ~
Jesus is the one and only Son of God! The Bible tells us exactly who He is in John 14:6 (NIV) ~ Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
It also says: “… but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings…” Revelation 17:14 (NIV)
This sums up the real reason for the Christmas season! We celebrate the birth of Jesus, which eventually led to His death. This, and this alone, opened the doors of opportunity for us to be forgiven, and freed from our sins. THAT’S SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE AND SHARE WITH ALL WHO WILL LISTEN!
As Believers, We are His Disciples ~
As a believer and follower of Christ, I am on a mission to share the Gospel of Jesus! This Christmas I pray that you, and I, will open our eyes to see and our hearts to tell someone about Jesus! Let’s be bold! Let’s live with thoughts of Salvation in the forefront of our minds! Then let’s shout it out into a world that is hurting and needs the hope only Jesus can give!
From my family to yours, we wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas! Thank you so very much for supporting me and reading my column! Please pray for me to live more like Jesus, and continue to grow and learn, as I endeavor to “Go and Tell the World about Jesus!”
Faith, Family, Career and Purpose, Part One of the Uniquely Constructed Series.
Mark 16:15 (NIV) ~ He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
* Please Note: If you like this article please leave me a note in the comments below. I would love to hear your holiday thoughts!