Warning! Subject Matter May Be Controversial for Those of the Christian Faith!
I’m guessing my opening statement might have caught your attention rather quickly! At first, I thought it might be a funny little way to begin writing this story; but rest assured, that my heart tells me you will end up in agreement with me all too soon! So, I guess you can say that I am decisively laying it on that line right from the start, by honestly acknowledging the fact that I know this is a touchy subject. This is also my way of bracing myself, and you, for the possible retaliation from friends, and family who will both disagree with me, and disagree amongst themselves, regarding the answer to a question that is not easily answered, but that I intend to address, with God’s help.
It’s a question that is causing division within the body of Christ, just as I believe the enemy intends for it to do. As our Christian faith is experiencing a ramping up in belligerent attacks meant to mock and discredit our beliefs, our emotions call for a reaction in defense of all that we hold dear. And therein lies the culprit!
We must ask ourselves a very important question as a result of the attacks: “How should we, as Christians, react and respond to outright assaults upon our faith?”
I told you this would be controversial!
One Thing to Remember As We Answer this Question, is that the World is Watching for Our Reactions!
As we ponder our answers, we should be extremely aware that something crucial is taking place in the spiritual realm. Our reactions will directly impact our testimonies, and believe me when I say that the naysayers and critics are on high alert, seeking any means necessary to call us out, and discredit us in any way possible.
Our faith is being attacked in ways that are undeniably intentional, and meant to discredit the Christian faith as a whole. Sadly, those who are out to destroy Christianity seem to be gaining ground rapidly, forcing us to face this controversial conversation within the body of Christ much more often! As hard as it is to address, it is also quite necessary, and often on display for the whole world to see.
Social media makes it easy to see the dissention and disagreement as to the potential “right way” to handle ourselves in these challenging circumstances.
And this is one of the very reasons why I feel God calling me to write this story!
I believe the enemies ultimate agenda is to divide the church, period! ~ Sure, he enjoys the mockery being executed according to his plans, but can you imagine how much he delights in the chaos and division he stirs up in people who love Jesus? That thought doesn’t sit well with me, and I don’t think God likes it much either!
I Will Admit My Hesitancy To Write About This Subject!
I am quite sure, that even among my own family members, there will be differences of opinions on the stances to take, or not take, so writing this is difficult for me. The fact is, this issue has been weighing heavily on my mind, and I am guilty of having tried to avoid it all together for several months now.
God keeps bringing it back to my mind by showing me little tidbits of scripture that apply to the chaos taking place, and I feel I need to share it. Then there are new instances of shocking things happening and my Facebook and Instagram are flooded with reactions, and it just becomes to much to ignore.
Oftentimes, I am filled with shock and anger, and immediately want to jump in and post, but God often changes my initial feelings, and helps me see it through a different lens. A calmer reaction, but a reaction! As I continue, I realize I will have to break this story into a couple of posts in order to share the things I want to. Please know, that I am not asking you to agree with me, but to let God speak through me with the message He wants me to convey, and you take it from there.
Let’s Start with a Couple of Statements that I Think We Can All Agree Upon:
- Followers of Jesus, can easily see that there is a serious, intentional attack on our faith almost everywhere we turn.
- And what was once considered to be a Hidden Agenda, is now front and center, boldly mocking us, and practically daring us to Rise Up In Defense!
Without naming one specific disparaging event myself, I would like for you to choose just one instance where you feel the Christian faith has been mocked, or ridiculed. Maybe it was the Superbowl halftime show, maybe it was the opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics, or maybe it is something closer to home, in your community, in the political debates?
- As you think about the issue, can you recall the reactions of believers in your social media feed, or among your own friends and family?
- Would you classify those responses as united or divided?
- Did everyone agree on the method for which the instance should be addressed, or whether or not it should be addressed at all?
My guess, as to your answer, would be that you have witnessed the division that upends the community of believers whenever there is a legitimate attempt to discredit our faith, or the existence of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
The Reason God Keeps Prompting Me To Write This Story is to Bring Awareness to the Division, and How it is Affecting More Than We Might Realize!
Division is the weapon that the enemy is yielding relentlessly to destroy our relationships, our families, and the Christian faith. It’s in our homes, our communities, our churches, and yes, even in our social media feeds.
Jesus warned us about division in Matthew 12:25: “But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand…” Jesus did not condone the division, He let us know how dangerous it is!
It is sad to see how easily the enemy is able to reduce us to a bunch of squabbling Jesus followers, who can not even agree on the “right way” to respond to matters that directly target our faith, and our ability to share Jesus with others. Harsh assessment? Maybe so, but true nevertheless!
Now you might see why I’ve really tried to avoid writing about this subject, leaving it for others to debate, or undertake on their platforms, or social media instead.
But Even in my Frustration, I See the Picture Satan is Painting for the Unbelievers of Christianity…and feel strongly that we need to come together and pray for unity, and boldness to stand firm for what is right, and identify what is wrong.

With that said, I must confess that I now feel a certain responsibility to stand for my faith in Jesus, and call out the evil that is running rampant. I’ll share some of my personal thoughts in the second post, but let me say this now: I’m afraid that by not taking a stand, we are implying that we aren’t committed to what we believe.
We can’t be so afraid of the backlash of other’s opinions that we don’t do anything. Of course, they want to remind us that we are not supposed to judge others, but instead show the love of Jesus. While that is true, it is no excuse for ignoring the abominations that the enemy is launching against us with such accuracy.
Perhaps the Most Difficult Thing to Achieve Becomes How We Manage to Rise Up Against Evil, Without Coming Across as the Judge and Jury of Those Who are Actually Committing These Acts…
That’s a good thought to pause on, and reflect on. Then, let’s address this problem in my next article!
Please, please, take time to read “Warning Contains Controversial Topics for Believers! Part 2.”
The continuation will bring things together, with links and scripture. I pray you will find time to finish this with me!
Here a link to Part 2…