I am hoping that this title caught your attention because I want to share some exciting news with you. If you have followed my column, you know that I have dreamed of writing and publishing a book for decades! Well, now I can share with you the fact that DREAMS REALLY CAN COME TRUE! I am living proof of that, and I am here to ask you to not give up on those dreams that you feel God leading you to! His Timing will be perfect, and I’m praying that you keep taking steps forward!
God has faithfully heard my prayers, and He opened a door just under twelve months ago, that has catapulted me into becoming an author. And not only that, but I am now a Barnes and Noble Best Selling Author with a Best Selling book, and only God could have made anything like this possible! It still seems unreal to me if I am being totally honest! There’s no way that I can tell you the number of times that I thought I was just crazy for thinking I could ever really become an author at all. It truly seemed so distant, and even though I loved the thoughts of it, it felt like something that could never really happen for me. Maybe you can relate with that dream you are holding close to your heart?
Self-Doubt and Insecurity ~
Self-doubt and insecurity have had me questioning myself a million times, wondering if maybe I had not actually been called to write at all. The enemy is good at telling us all the reasons why we can’t do the things God created us to do, and that is why for me, it was profound that God gave me the opportunity to write a chapter for a book about being “more than enough.”
The things that challenges me the most about myself, self-doubt and insecurity, is the topic that God chose for me to write about as an author-contributor. Ironically enough, I had to convince myself that I was more than enough for this endeavor, and it was not easy! God must have been laughing just a little bit as He readied me for the assignment He had in mind for me throughout the years!
If you had asked me a few years ago if I would have been writing about being more than enough for anyone, or anything, I would probably have thought you were the crazy one instead of me. So, you will just have to buy the book to get the whole story of how such an amazing thing came to pass! God had purpose in every struggle, and every tear along the way! Hence the title of my chapter: “Her Tears Unlocked Her Story.” Nothing could fit it better!

“More Than Enough ~ The Silent Struggle of a Woman’s Identity”
God aligned me with the right connections to become an author contributor to a book titled More Than Enough ~ The Silent Struggle of a Woman’s Identity. You can’t convince me that God does not have well laid out plans for our lives! Plans that we are not privileged to see in advance, because He wants us to trust Him through it all! God truly has created each of us, (And yes, that includes you) for a purpose. Though we may not know the way the things will come to pass or the timing, we can diligently choose to seek His Will and take steps to become exactly who God Uniquely Constructed us to be!
The amazing author who offered me this opportunity reminds us all, “that we are always becoming.” This is such a profound truth, because God is always working in our lives, shaping and molding us into the women He wants us to be.
God is faithful and trustworthy, and patient, forgiving and merciful, and the list could go on and on!
I feel so tremendously blessed to be a co-author for this new women’s devotional, alongside an amazing group of other women from all different backgrounds and places! We joined together to share our individual stories, with the guidance of Tamra Andress, and she is amazing! With that, I must share a little bit about our amazing author: Tamra Andress is 6x #1 Best Selling Author and a dynamic voice in podcasting, ranking in the top 1% globally with her shows, “The F.I.T. in Faith Podcast,” “Girls Gone Holy Podcast,” and “The Founder Collective Podcast.” An international speaker and Kingdom Messenger, Tamra is known for creating transformative experiences through retreats and events. She is the founder of F.I.T. In Faith Media & Press, a Christian Publishing House dedicated to empowering faith-driven leaders.
I can’t speak for everyone, but meeting Tamra and her assistant, Candice last year at the She Speaks Conference, changed my life! I am so very grateful for their willingness to help “want-to-be authors” like myself achieve the dreams we hold dear!
God is Pouring Out His Blessings! You Can Help Us Promote This Book!

Join Our Book Launch Team on Facebook and Pre-order Your Copy Today! (click here) ~~ We Would Love to Have You Be a Part of This Incredible Journey! There’s Exciting Things to Come, including apparel and a companion Bible Study, so don’t miss out! The Launch Team keeps you connected with the authors and updated on all things book related! Your Support Will Be Greatly Appreciated!
To our great excitement the pre-sale launch of this book started on June 10th and by June 15th Barnes and Noble had already given it the designation of Best Seller! It was hitting all kids of amazing number one spots, and I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we were all in awe of what God is doing!
But that was not all! We also all received the Barnes and Noble Best Selling Author distinguishment and that is something that I will always treasure! Very unexpected, and more than I dreamed possible, and I am humbled and grateful beyond measure! To God Be the Glory!
Thank You to Kaitlyn Tilson and Lexie Bedenbaugh, my beautiful daughters, who went with me to She Speaks last year! I could not have done this without your encouragement, time, and support! You made me brave, and helped me step out of my comfort zone to unlock a whole new world of possibilities! I love you more than words can say! Always and Forever!

Links for you:
Join My Personal Email List: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/vyLOgqX
Join Our Book Launch Team and Pre-order: https://fitinfaithmedia.com/devotional
Pre-Order Your Book: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/more-than-enough-tamra-andress/1145014729?ean=9781636984360
Podcast Introduction of More Than Enough Authors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90soH4ga2SA&list=PLn9Vo7zCj4D2KiK-IwOmIZylOh0LIajR_&index=2