I was painting a wall today.
It was also about ninety degrees.
And I was baking bread, so my oven was on.
As I was sweating and stressing about getting this wall painted so that I could finally get my dining room put back together, I had one of those miraculous epiphanies. At least it felt like one to me.
I had to put a coat of primer on the newly textured wall, and it had a blueish tint to what had seemed white in the can. It was definitely giving fluorescent lightbulb vibes.
Then when it dried (quickly thanks to the aforementioned heat) I began applying the white paint. The paint that is in our entire house and that I had been afraid was, “too white” previously.
Against the primer it appeared cream. Almost yellow. But then, when I blended against the already painted portions of the “white” wall, it matched perfectly.
The wheels began turning in my brain. My thoughts zoomed to the truth that we people compare ourselves too much. We take our “white paint” selves and out them up against a bright blue primer and think we are yellow. Have you ever seen how many types of white paint there are? IT IS ABSURD. It seems like white should just be white, but really there are so many variations. People can be viewed in a similar light: comparison between people is as absurd as the number of white paints. There is too much variety in the world for us to ever think we need to be like someone else.
Fast forward to dinner time with the painting done and I panic and think I missed a spot, but no, it is just the shadows and light playing tricks on me. Isn’t that just like perspective to throw us off. When we look from one angle, we see something we believe to be true, but a different angle and different lighting reveals the lie.
We need to view ourselves through the perspective of God’s word, which tells us that each person is uniquely created on purpose.
Credit: Daian Gane
Some of our hues look like homesteading and tradition skills. Other hues are the shade of business savvy or athleticism. Some tones reveal musical ability or poetic natures.
When you see someone different, don’t allow the beauty of their colors to convince you that your own shade is dingy and dull. Rather, appreciate how God has made them to glorify Him in their unique way and then lean in to how you glorify Him in yours.
Ultimately, God is creating a masterpiece that tells a story. Any artistic masterpiece is full of variety of color and texture and light and meaning. We, God’s pinnacle of creation are His masterpiece, both as individuals and as His people, unique and unified.