Dear Readers, I hope this message finds you all well. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for reading my articles, as well as commenting and sharing them on social media. I appreciate it, and I know that I haven’t posted as regularly as I’d like to or had hoped to when I began this column. But all that is about to change.
One of my main issues
with my lack of writing and posting was the absence of a computer in my life, using only my cell phone for writing and uploading that writing to Patheos, a process that is much more user friendly on a desktop l. Recently, I have acquired a new laptop, making both the writing and posting processes much easier. Another issue I faced was personal matters. Many of which have been cleared up. Finally, I was lacking motivation and inspiration. But as of late, I have felt a call back to my faith-based writing, a conviction in my spirit, if you will, to rejoin the discussion. This time of year is chock full of awesome discussion topics, especially from a Torah-Observant Believer’s point of view.
From here forward
I plan on posting once a week. Topics will include subjects such as:
The Truth About Saint Patrick. Born, Maewyn Succat, he was raised in the Celtic Church, a Torah Observant congregation of believers whose faith opposed that of the Roman Catholic Church who made a saint out of him many years after his death. And Patrick wasn’t the only Sabbath-keeping, Passover-observing man the Roman Church changed the history of. Want to learn more? Stay tuned…
Purim – What Christians Should Know. What is the meaning of Purim? What did it mean to cast lots? Who was Haman? And how does the story of Esther parallel that of gentile believers today?
Easter – Did the KJV Get It Wrong? Why does every other Bible translation use Passover? Is Easter truly pagan? Should Christians keep Easter? Or is there a more Biblical alternative?
The Spring Feasts – Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits and Shavuot. What do they mean? Are they just as, if not more, significant to Christians than to Jews? Have you wondered how Jesus fulfilled these days? And what did Jesus mean when He said, “Do this in remembrance of me”?
Passover vs Easter – Polycarp vs Pope Victor I. Quartodecimanism is in question here. What does it mean to be a Quartodeciman? Why did Pope Victor threaten to excommunicate the churches of Asia Minor for keeping Passover? Why did man depart from Scripture, turning from the week-long observance of Passover and Unleavened Bread to observe just one day – Easter?
Shavuot and Pentecost… The giving of the Law to Moses parallels the giving of the Holy Spirit… If any or all of these topics pique your interest or you’re just curious about certain ones, I hope you stay tuned to my column for these upcoming, thought-provoking articles. The first of which will be the Truth About Saint Patrick publishing later this week.
Again, I want to thank all who read my column, and I hope you continue to enjoy my articles. And I hope they do spark some thought and, maybe even, some conversation among you and family and friends. Here’s wishing you all a happy and safe week. See you here in a few days!