If you follow my column, you may have noticed the distinct sound of crickets as I churned out zero new articles, week after week.
Rest assured, I had been staring at blank pages for the better part of the year, willing the words to simply materialize—but they never came. So, I took a step back from my space on the internet. In all honesty, a step back makes it sound more well-thought-out than it was. It was more akin to a screeching halt. No podcasts were recorded, no articles were written, and no infographics were crafted.

I needed to hibernate, and I needed to do it immediately.
Throughout the past several months, I took my moments to breathe, to rest, to feel, to heal, and to explore myself rather than to be of service. I took my time, and I make no apologies. While being of service to others comes naturally to me, true growth can be found in those moments of quiet reflection.
This extended period of introspection made me once again consider the seasons of our own lives and helped me to develop some much-needed self-compassion as I licked my wounds. In this realization, I was able to truly understand that sometimes we must lay dormant before we are able to bloom.
Nature’s Patterns: Elemental Seasons
In many pagan spheres, each season brings its own correspondences. For the sake of being informative, I will be including these here.
However, while I will be reviewing these, it is paramount that we understand that we don’t exclusively align with the physical seasons around us in our own personal development. While I’m no stranger to seasonal depression, sometimes life goes off the rails while the whole world around us is seemingly in bloom.
These moments can feel very isolating, but rest assured, they’re necessary building blocks for the versions of ourselves that our being birthed into existence.

Spring: healing, purification (echoed in the tradition of spring cleaning), heightened psychic awareness, fertility, sowing gardens, and engaging in ecological rituals—tapping into the elements of Air magic.
Summer: a season of love, union, camaraderie, aesthetics, shielding, fortitude, tapping into magical and physical vigor, and summoning strength—drawing upon the fiery essence of Fire magic.
Autumn: prosperity, employment opportunities, acquiring new possessions, and delving into the currents of Water magic.
Winter: brings forth the purging of ailments, ingrained habits, and addictions, prompting exploration of past lives. It encourages introspection, meditation, literary pursuits, and enchantments designed to rejuvenate the practitioner for the imminent spring—embracing the grounding energies of Earth magic.
While written in my own words, these correspondences can be found in Scott Cunningham’s book, “Earth, Air, Fire, Water”
Now, while it is wonderful to work with the earth during its cycles, we can reverse engineer this into our own existence.
Are you exceptionally tired and don’t have the mental wherewithal to dedicate a ton of energy to your spiritual practice? Well, welcome to your own personal “winter.” Rather than trying to overexert yourself, focus on your self-compassion and take your moment to rest. What is it in your life that you can let go of to make room for new growth? This period is a time of proverbial house cleaning and, while it may feel lonely, it is but one stop on the cycle. You will bloom again.
Human Patterns: Rhythms of Our Seasons
Our very lives, from beginning to end, are seasons of their own. We are but a reflection of the earth around us. We emerge into existence akin to the arrival of spring, mirroring life’s renewal. During our own personal summer season, we develop into our adolescence. Following this period of rapid growth, we mature into adulthood. Amid this phase of our lives, we navigate our autumns until we eventually grow old and perish into our own winters.
But our individual seasons don’t stop there. We experience seasons through every step of our chronological development. Our health cycles. Our careers cycle. Our relationship cycles.
Consider our relationships, for example. First, we met someone of interest, and sparks of passion ignite within us. This is an exciting time for a relationship and it’s the birth of our new romance. As we spend more time around them, our feelings grow and deepen. During this phase, we’re in the summer of our relationship. We feel alive within our connections and deeply enamored.
However, as we all know, life isn’t always rainbows and sunshine. We will face trials and tribulations in the autumn of our relationships. These could be conflicts, transitions, or personal shifts where we must reassess our relationship. Oftentimes, these challenges will lead us into our relationship winters, where we’ve grown distant or disconnected from that initial spark. While this doesn’t inherently mean the relationship is over, often we must decide if we want to lay the relationship to rest or find a way to reignite the flame.
Echoes of Seasons: Embracing Life’s Rhythms
In the tapestry of life, our journey unfolds in seasons as these cyclical rhythms echo the ebb and flow of nature’s cadence. Sometimes, amidst the demands of our everyday existence, we encounter moments that require us to pause, retreat, reflect, and heal.
My recent hiatus from the cacophony of deadlines and digital landscapes unveiled a crucial truth: growth sprouts from the seeds of introspection. In this solitude, I rediscovered that the rhythm of seasons are reflected back to us within our own existence. Each of life’s chapters aligns with elemental seasons—spring brings forth healing and rejuvenation, while summer ignites our fiery passions. Autumn brings a harvest of prosperity, and winter, a time for deep introspection and renewal.
As I delved deeper into this understanding, I realized that these cycles extend beyond mere elemental phases. They permeate our relationships, careers, health, and the intricate threads of our lives. Amidst these intricate cycles, I’ve learned that our personal winters—periods of hibernation and reflection—are essential waypoints for growth. In these moments, we shed old skin, embrace solitude, and make space for new beginnings.
As we journey through life’s landscape, we can pay homage to the seasons nested within our existence. We have the choice to embrace the natural rhythm of our lives. Each phase, each cycle, carries the assurance of blossoming anew. After all, from every wintry phase emerges a fresh spring, where once again we will find ourselves in bloom.