December 7, 2024

Yes, Why Is It So Hard for You to Express Your True Feelings? Yes, why is it so hard for you to express your true feelings? I watch so many movies that depict people afraid to express the way they truly feel.  Sigh.  I know it’s only a TV show.  But it still saddens me that people watch these shows and react the same way they see relationships depicted on TV. So, just why is it so hard for you... Read more

November 30, 2024

Yes, Do You Feel Like a Failure in God’s Eyes? I talk to so many people who are in their 60s, who feel that their life has been a failure.  This is usually because they didn’t win awards or earn millions of dollars, or invent something, or write a book…their list of failures goes on and on. Many of you spend your lives believing that it’s important for you to accomplish something or be somebody.  Maybe you believe you should... Read more

November 17, 2024

Yes, Learn to Manifest Your DREAMS! Yes, learn to manifest your DREAMS!  Every one of you have desires that you wish to manifest for yourself.  Yet you block these desires by creating doubt and worry in your mind.  Job 3:25 told the story of Job, who said, “For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.” So many times, I listen to my friends who are going... Read more

November 3, 2024

  Yes, Would You Accept Your Blessings if They Appeared Today? Here’s a question for you.  If there was something that you have desired, like a better job, or a loving relationship, how would you react if I told you, “Your perfect job has come through!  You begin work tomorrow!” Or “The love of your life is standing right outside your door!  Go and open it!”  How many of you would say, “Great!  I’m ready to begin my new life!” ... Read more

October 27, 2024

Yes, Our Pets Teach Us Unconditional Love When I watch animals lavishing love on their masters, just because they love them, not even expecting anything in return, I’m saddened by the realization that we really never seem to learn what they are trying to teach us. Our beloved animals don’t care what color our skin is. They don’t care if we are rich or poor, they don’t care if we neglect them…they just keep lavishing us with their unconditional love,... Read more

October 20, 2024

Yes!  Movie Star Ginger Rogers Healed Herself Well-known actress Ginger Rogers revealed in her autobiography that she was raised in Mary Baker Eddy’s Church of Christ, Scientist. And  she spent most of her life full of health and vigor well into her 80s. One incident she described happened when she was in her 60s. It involved an accident she experienced while performing on a New York stage. A piece of scenery came loose and swung down and hit her in... Read more

October 13, 2024

  Yes, What Does It Mean to be In Vibrational Alignment? In my last post, I presented a message received by Ann Albers, who communicates with Angels . Their message said, “Your only job is to be accessible, vibrationally speaking, so you can receive our loving signals and be willing to act when inspired.” It occurred to me that the term “vibrationally speaking” may be confusing to you. So, I thought I would expand on it to help you understand... Read more

October 6, 2024

Overcoming Despair. How Gratitude Can Lift You Out One of the most difficult emotions to overcome is despair. The Cambridge Dictionary defines despair as: “the feeling that there is no hope and that you can do nothing to improve a difficult or worrying situation.” Despair is one step away from giving up. And it is usually what causes people to commit suicide. They feel there is no way out. My friends, there is ALWAYS a way out. ALWAYS. Yet when... Read more

October 1, 2024

Yes, Who Told You that You Couldn’t Fulfill Your Dreams? I was having dinner with some of my friends, most of whom are in their 60s and 70s.  I asked them if they could remember back to their high school years when they were about to graduate.  And I asked them what their hopes, dreams and desires were as they thought about the career they wanted to pursue. Most of them attended college, and sheepishly admitted they changed their major... Read more

September 22, 2024

      Yes, It Is Possible to Heal Yourself! Yes, it is possible to heal yourself. Yet, if you ask someone if they believe they can heal themselves from disease or pain and suffering, most people will say “No way!”  Is it any wonder that most don’t believe it’s possible?  TV ads scare us into believing that we need one or more drugs to heal us. Just look at the number of pharmaceutical commercials we now see on TV.... Read more

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