Yes, Do You Feel Like a Failure in God’s Eyes?
I talk to so many people who are in their 60s, who feel that their life has been a failure. This is usually because they didn’t win awards or earn millions of dollars, or invent something, or write a book…their list of failures goes on and on.
Many of you spend your lives believing that it’s important for you to accomplish something or be somebody. Maybe you believe you should become the head of a corporation. Maybe you believe you should become a doctor, or a lawyer, or this or that. If you don’t accomplish your goal, you judge yourself for having failed. You look around and perceive that everyone else has succeeded, while you feel like a failure.
Where Did This Feeling of Failure Come From?
Where did this feeling of failure come from? Why do you feel you must accomplish something to be worthy of love? There is nothing wrong with pursuing a dream career, IF IT WILL BRING YOU JOY AND HAPPINESS. That’s the way it’s supposed to be.
On the other hand, if you are seeking a successful career to be worthy of God’s love, you may find yourself feeling empty. Yet you don’t need to do ANYTHING to be worthy of God’s love, my friends. You are loved unconditionally JUST THE WAY YOU ARE, not because you DESERVE love due to your success. As God said to me many years ago when He came to me in a time of tribulation, “I love you for WHO YOU ARE, not WHAT YOU DO.”
What Brings You Joy and Happiness Brings God Joy and Happiness
What brings you joy and happiness brings God joy and happiness, because God experiences through you. Life is about experiences that you can share with God. It’s not about empty triumphs that leave you asking, “Do you love me now? Am I worthy? Am I good enough yet?”
Oh my, if you could only see yourself through the eyes of God, as a Spark of God’s Divine Love, you would stop worrying about being worthy or good enough and start thinking about what brings you joy and happiness. You deserve it!
Yet It’s Never Too Late to Go For Your Dreams!
Yes, you can still go for your dreams! I know so many people I in their 60s who made the decision to FINALLY go for what brings them joy! And it’s easier than you think!
When I listened ONCE AGAIN to a friend who just turned 60 talk about how she dreaded going to her job each day, I asked her this question: “Tell me what your perfect job looks like. If you could do anything, if you could create that perfect job, what would it be?”
Her response was, “Gee, I don’t know. I can’t think of anything I could be doing now at my age. It’s too late to start something new now.”
I replied, “It’s NEVER TOO LATE to go for your dreams! Besides, people are continuing to work many years past their typical retirement age. So, let’s start with your current job. Is there ANYTHING you do on your current job that you really enjoy?”
My Friend Shared Her True Desire
She thought about that for a few minutes. And then she said, “Well, one thing I really enjoy is scheduling our party after the annual board meeting. Each year I plan a special theme for this party…”
I watched her face light up with joy as she described her annual Board of Directors party, and I knew what new career she could pursue – become an Event Planner!
When I suggested this, she shook her head and said, “There is NO WAY I can become an Event Planner! I need an income. I can’t just quit and go out on my own! It’s too late for me!”
“AT LEAST do some research while you keep your current job.” I said, “Why not research Event Planners, and find out what events they have coming up. And then schedule ONE DAY A WEEK to visit the event and introduce yourself. Tell them about how you plan the annual Board of Directors party.
“Let them know how much you enjoy creating these fabulous parties that bring you lots and lots of positive comments from your superiors. What do you have to lose?”
She shook her head and said, “Kathy, that sounds like a great idea, but I just don’t know how I can go crash a party or event and then expect the Event Planner to listen to me. They would probably throw me out!”
She Had Convinced Herself It Wouldn’t Work
Sigh. So, she has already convinced herself that her dream job is out of her reach. How sad. But I didn’t give up. “Well, if you don’t want to do that, let’s find your comfort zone. Can you at least call some of the Event Planners or stop by their office? Let them know that you are interested in working for them and share your event planning experience. It’s worth a try, isn’t it?”
Now that had her attention. She had no fear calling Event Planners, she just didn’t want to meet face-to-face when she was looking for a job. So, she committed to researching our city’s Event Planners and calling at least one a week. And sure enough, one of the companies encouraged her to come in for an interview.
She was offered the job but hesitated to leave her high-paying job. Instead, she accepted a part-time job that she could work around her full-time job. And she loved it! I loved to hear her stories of the different events she helped planned.
Within the Year She Went Full Time as an Event Planner!
Within the year, she had quit her primary job to work full time with this company as an Event Planner. And she has even talked her new boss into planning some charity events to generate funds for some local charitable organizations.
She admits that those functions bring her the greatest joy of all! Now that’s what I’m talking about! Your greatest joy will ALWAYS come from helping others!
Helping Others is Your True Joy AND Mission!
Trust me when I tell you that when your life here on Planet Earth is over, and you return Home to The Other Side, you will be seated in front of a screen that is reviewing your entire life. And you discover that it wasn’t the money or the accolades or the business achievements that contributed to your soul growth.
Instead, you will be asked to view the incidents in your life in which you helped someone, or gave of yourself, or expressed love. You may protest, “But I was the President of the United States!” And your kind and loving Guide will smile and gently ask, “And who did you truly help while in that position?”
My friends, fame and fortune won’t mean a thing when you return Home. Stop dwelling on your perceived failures and start thinking of the many times when you gave a helping hand, when you expressed love to your family, or when you set your ego aside and let someone else take the spotlight, because you knew how important it was to them.
These are the things that will not only show you that you are NOT a failure! Yes, these are the things that will bring you your greatest joy!
Please feel free to contact me and share your blessings. I love hearing from you! My email is [email protected].