Yes! Movie Star Ginger Rogers Healed Herself
Well-known actress Ginger Rogers revealed in her autobiography that she was raised in Mary Baker Eddy’s Church of Christ, Scientist. And she spent most of her life full of health and vigor well into her 80s.
One incident she described happened when she was in her 60s. It involved an accident she experienced while performing on a New York stage. A piece of scenery came loose and swung down and hit her in the back. This knocked her all the way into the orchestra pit! And she landed on her back on top of the piano!
The audience and performers cried out in shock, and everyone immediately came to her aid. So, they got her onto a stretcher to take her to the emergency room of the local hospital. But she stopped them. And despite all their protests, she insisted that they take her to her dressing room. And she kept assuring them that she would be fine.
She Refused to Go to the Hospital
She asked to be alone for 30 minutes. And during that time she lay there with her eyes closed and repeated Mary Baker Eddy’s statement of perfect health. As Mary Baker Eddy taught, she knew that the Divine Mind does not know sickness. Therefore, we cannot be anything but the perfect expression of The Divine Mind of God.
After 30 minutes, she arose and went back on to the stage. And she was met with thunderous applause, completely healed of any injuries she may have suffered.
Ginger Rogers understood that we are spiritual beings, a Spark of God’s Divine Love. We have the power to heal ourselves of any illness or injury. And you, too, can acknowledge your birthright and embrace your God-given power to heal yourself.
A Facebook Friend Chose to Heal Herself
A woman on my Facebook page told us that her doctor diagnosed her with myocardial infarction. This condition would require her to change her lifestyle to prevent any kind of stress or upsetting incidents that could negatively impact her heart.
The doctor was basically telling her to quit work, don’t drive, don’t climb stairs, don’t get upset, don’t get stressed…in other words, just stop any enjoyment of life. Allow your life to go from full of color to bland black and white. Well, his words so upset her that she stood up and yelled, “NO! I will NOT accept this diagnosis!” And she ran from the doctor’s office.
As she drove home, her thoughts were filled with doom and gloom. Was this really what her life was to become in her twilight years? Living her life in fear? She cried out to God, “Dear God, please help me find a way to overcome this diagnosis. I know You will show me the way!”
My Friend Turned to God for Healing Guidance
So, when she got home, she searched the Bible for verses dealing with healing. And one verse really resonated with her. It was Isaiah 58:8 ESV: “Then shall your light break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up speedily; your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.”
This verse calmed her fears. Suddenly, she remembered a book she had read many years ago.
She Remembered Louise Hay’s Book “You Can Heal Your Life”
She remembered Louise Hay’s book, “You Can Heal Your Life.” And in the back of the book there is a glossary of physical ailments and an explanation of their emotional cause. The emotional cause of myocardial infarction is “Squeezing all the joy out of the heart in favor of money or position, etc.” The affirmation that you can say to overcome this condition is “I bring joy back to the center of my heart. I express love to all.”
Imagine her shock when she realized that this pretty much summed up her life. She admitted that she stayed with her stressful job because of her high position in the company, and the good income it provided. Yet she had no life outside of work. This was her wakeup call. So, she made the decision to “bring joy back to the center of heart,” and accept early retirement and make some changes in her life.
My Friend Was Completely Healed!
My friend thanked God for reminding her of this wonderful book. And after she read it again, from cover to cover, she decided to go out and do some volunteer work that meant something to her and brought some joy back into her life. And six months later, the doctor’s office called to schedule an appointment. Guess what! Her doctor was shocked to tell her that she was completely cured of the earlier diagnosis!
I Chose to Heal Myself
When I fell and broke my hip and shoulder 10 years ago, the hospital staff was stunned that a 64-year-old woman was not taking any prescription medication! The average American retiree is taking between 25-27 prescription drugs per year, and half of those drugs are to counteract the adverse side effects of the first half. Folks, this is insanity!
The doctor who operated on my shattered shoulder sadly informed me that I would never again be able to raise my right arm all the way up. He said it was common in my kind of injury. I just smiled at him and kept my mouth shut, because I knew better! I thought, “Oh no! THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE!”
After I silently thanked God and my Guides for showing me how to bring that shoulder back to normal, I was led to stand facing a wall, take the hand of my injured shoulder, lay it flat on the wall, and begin to “walk” my fingers up the wall. Because I had the support of the wall, I was able to “walk” my injured right arm ALL THE WAY UP THE WALL!
When the Physical Therapist came to take me through my exercises, he was stunned when I raised my injured arm ALL THE WAY UP! When I told him how I did it, he said, “Gee, that’s a great idea! I’ll have to remember that!” DUH! He was the Physical Therapist!
Stop Surrendering Your Health to Someone Else!
Stop surrendering your health to someone else! You have the power to maintain a healthy, DRUG FREE body! God’s children all have a birthright of perfect health. Yet your thoughts and actions cause disease and sickness. This is YOUR DOING through your Free Will, as God does not know disease and sickness, He only knows radiant health.
This is ALWAYS your wake-up call requiring you to become PRO ACTIVE and take action to alleviate your condition. Yes, you can follow the doctor’s orders and take your medication, which will TREAT the ailment but not CURE IT, however, YOU ALSO HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE YOUR CONDITION! There is NO DISEASE OR ILLNESS that has not been miraculously healed.
Dis-Ease in Your Mind Creates All Disease in Your Body
Yes, all disease is created by dis-ease in your thoughts and emotions. This can be remedied through changing your thoughts and emotions. It doesn’t matter if it’s terminal cancer or a minor case of the flu. All are equally curable.
Google “Miraculous Healings” on the internet and read hundreds of stories of people diagnosed with terminal diseases who made the decision to CHANGE THEIR MIND AND HEAL THEIR LIFE.
YOU CAN DO THIS! Claim your Birthright of Perfect Health as God’s child! And I would LOVE to hear from you when you heal yourself! My email is [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you!