January 9, 2025

I recently had an altercation with a loved one. She thought I said something to hurt her intentionally. I was crushed. I would never! House of Mirrors With all the life junk she was dealing with, she heard the words and couldn’t find the truth to process it accurately. Instead of looking up, she found herself standing in a house of mirrors, only looking at herself. Overwhelmed by her circumstances. Of course, that is exactly where I found myself. My... Read more

December 5, 2024

It makes an Ass out of U and Me when we assume. Foolish assumptions cause wicked madness to consume. Misunderstandings are sure to bloom. Conflict will certainly fill the room. Unjust Judgements will put relationships in a tomb. Making them difficult to exhume much less resume.   So instead, seek the truth. Don’t listen to the lie. It’s Satan’s best strategy to divide you and I. It’s easy to complain & replay the “Why?” Shut ourselves off from the world... Read more

November 7, 2024

They will know we are Christian by the way we love. John 13:35 Down the aisle of City Market, I heard a Christian customer scowl at an older gentleman not moving as fast as she would like; if I could hear her, I’m sure he could too. At a Christian women’s retreat, I witnessed one woman bully another. At my Christian writer’s group,  I heard one member describe all people on the “left”  as godless in an article he wrote... Read more

October 3, 2024

I’m troubled and confused as I watch the many rants in and around my community, on social media, and across the nation about the running candidates. Whether it be at a local event, on Facebook, or on the daily news, disunity is a contagious infection wreaking havoc on America and around the world. Division, Discord, Desecration, and Doubt high-five one another in a congratulatory celebration admiring their work. Satan’s best tool is to divide us. So, shouldn’t we pursue unity?... Read more

September 5, 2024

The Power of Divine Appointments Divine appointments are like cotton candy. They come in all sorts of colors, shapes, and sizes. The sugary sweet flavors leave your mouth watering for more. Their sweet fragrance lingers on your skin long after the encounter ends and you’re left feeling delighted, satisfied, and energized. What’s A Divine Appointment? “A divine appointment is an event orchestrated by God. It is a moment in time, in which you encounter God, come across a person or... Read more

August 1, 2024

We live in a time of war. Israel and Palestine. Russia and Ukraine. Several countries are in civil war: Myanmar, Yemeni, Somali, and Syrian. Will America be next? As if all the fighting nations are not enough, we’re also battling with our health, both physical and mental. Our hearts and our heads are at war. Satan must feel mighty proud right about now. He has managed to not only take our eyes off Jesus but pit us against one another... Read more

July 25, 2024

What are Relationships? Relationships are the way in which two or more objects, concepts, or people connect. They come in all sizes, shapes, and colors. They can be acquaintances we see occasionally that come and go in each season, or they can last a lifetime. Some, we are born into while others we choose. Relationships can form between neighbors, coworkers, strangers, the unseen world, and even pets. They can be healthy and delightful, or they can be toxic and life-threatening.... Read more

July 18, 2024

Hurt people hurt. Let’s face it, we’re all people hurting from one ailment or another. I’ve had my share of being hurt by others. I’ve witnessed mean girl behavior, been on the receiving end of damaging banter, betrayed by loved ones and supervisors, and been bullied more times than I care to remember. The only way to not be consumed by others’ hurtfulness is to befriend Forgiveness. But How Do You Forgive What You Cannot Forget? I listened to podcasts... Read more

July 11, 2024

Why God? I have no idea why we walk with Pain, hold hands with Suffering, or witness firsthand the presence of Anxiety – she’s nothing but a bully. But I bet my life that if we keep an open mind and have a vulnerable, open, and honest conversation with God, we will find Peace and come out stronger on the other side. Pain, Suffering, and Anxiety are not all bad. They can be great reminders of someone we once loved... Read more

July 1, 2024

July 4, 1776 Independence Day occurred when thirteen colonies declared independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776. This was meant to separate from a tyrant leader who gave little freedom to his people. “The Americans saw a pattern of increasing oppression and corruption happening all around the world” (quote from The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration). According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of independent is to not depend on or not be subject to control by others. It is... Read more

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