The Power of Divine Appointments

The Power of Divine Appointments September 5, 2024

Man selling colorful cotton candy on a stick.
Divine appointments are like Cotton Candy. Photo by Irem with

The Power of Divine Appointments

Divine appointments are like cotton candy. They come in all sorts of colors, shapes, and sizes. The sugary sweet flavors leave your mouth watering for more. Their sweet fragrance lingers on your skin long after the encounter ends and you’re left feeling delighted, satisfied, and energized.

What’s A Divine Appointment?

“A divine appointment is an event orchestrated by God. It is a moment in time, in which you encounter God, come across a person or group that is significant in God’s purposes for you or a circumstance takes place, that you realize has been set up by the Holy Spirit.” – Helen Calder

I had such an encounter on July 29, 2024, when Israel came for a visit. Yes. You heard me. Israel came for a visit.

A couple of young men pulled into my driveway one week before. I didn’t recognize their vehicle, “Trent, is this someone you know? Are you expecting anyone?”

My Husband, Trent, peeked out of the over-the-cab camper he was repairing for his sister while she visited, “No one I know.” He ducked his head back in as quickly as he peeked out.

I discerned he didn’t want to be bothered, so I approached the men walking toward us.

Wanting to sell me solar panels, they gave their spiel. I listened and accepted a business card from Matthew. Because I had visiting family, I dismissed them but not without making an appointment with Matthew for the following Monday.


With the visiting Family gone, a quick trip to Colorado Springs, and a meeting with the Holy Spirit filled my weekend. Together, the Holy Spirit and I wrote another 2000 words for my new book. Little did I know it was preparing me for a Divine appointment.

The next day, I sat in my “chair of inspiration” at the loft window. Buddy, my white tabby, joined me. My hands moved to his white fluff. I leaned back, closed my eyes, and buried my hands in his fur.

I’m struggling to keep my blog active, God. I took a full-time job last October and I’m currently working on three writing projects. I don’t have the energy to create a new blog each week.

My Patheos advisor encouraged me to drop to one post a month and not inactivate the blog because “Your content is so good. We’d hate to lose you.” I need guidance, Lord.

Lost in thought, I forgot I had made an appointment with the solar company until I heard the knock on my front door.

God’s Ways  Are Not My Ways

I opened the door anticipating Matthew  when I came face to face with a different young man.

“Hello.” We exchanged greetings.

“Hi. I’m Israel. Matthew sent me. Are you Faith?”

“I am.”  Israel? Really, God? What are You up to?

“Wow. We have biblical names, don’t we?”

“I’ll say.”

“I guess Matthew does, too.” Israel’s smile was bright and contagious.

“Yes,” I chuckled. “Kinda sounds like the start of a joke. Matthew, Faith, and Israel walk into a church…”

His face lit up when he laughed.

Israel was delightful, calm, and inviting. He knew his job well and described, in detail, the process of obtaining solar panels. But most of all he was curious about God. Our conversation weaved in and out of solar panels and Jesus.

Holy Spirit Shows Up

Seamless and intriguing, the Holy Spirit showed up, hung out, and poured Himself into us. I shared my God moments, Scripture, and personal struggles with a stranger, who in turn, did the same with me.

Upon departure, Israel turned to me, “Do you have any advice I can walk away with, Faith?”

“What kind of advice are you looking for?”

“How can I be a better steward of God’s gifts?”

I shared one last story of how God stopped time to show me His artwork and sent Israel a link to the story, Time Stood Still, on my blog. “Read my blog, Israel. God will reveal Himself to you.”

“I’ll do it! Can I share this with others?”

“Yes. Thank you. Please do!”

God sent Israel to meet with Faith to discuss obtaining energy from the sun. Or dare I say, “SON.” This divine appointment will stick with me like cotton candy long after it’s gone.

Take Away:

I was satisfied with my empty bag of cotton candy and the warm sun on my skin. I closed my eyes and took a slow deep breath. I was delighted as my mouth watered from the lingering sweet fragrance. Now, energized from the “Son”, I turned on my heel, headed back inside, and declared, “I have a new blog to write!”


About Faith E. Richardson
Faith E. Richardson was born in Traverse City, Michigan. She lived there nine short years before moving with her mom to Fort Worth, Texas where she would remain for another eighteen years. After meeting Trent, the love of her life, they married and moved to Colorado where they raised their two children. Currently retired from decades of human resource work, Faith renewed her passion for writing. Her life experiences and dramatic flair for storytelling draw the reader in with thought-provoking material on the wonder and truth of spiritual encounters. It's her desire to get her readers as excited about the Holy Spirit as she is. You can read more about the author here.
"Well said, Faith! ❤️"

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