In a World Full of Hate Be a Light

In a World Full of Hate Be a Light August 1, 2024

man playing guitar
In a world full of hate be a light- photo by

We live in a time of war. Israel and Palestine. Russia and Ukraine. Several countries are in civil war: Myanmar, Yemeni, Somali, and Syrian. Will America be next?

As if all the fighting nations are not enough, we’re also battling with our health, both physical and mental. Our hearts and our heads are at war.

Satan must feel mighty proud right about now. He has managed to not only take our eyes off Jesus but pit us against one another so that we are at war. War with each other. War with ourselves.

Our God is a God of Peace, Not War

God wants us to love one another not destroy each other. “And that’s about it, friends. Be cheerful. Keep things in good repair. Keep your spirits up. Think in harmony. Be agreeable. Do all that, and the God of love and peace will be with you for sure. Greet one another with a holy embrace” (2 Corinthians 13:11 MSG). You have the God of peace on your side. Who can be against you?

Take your thoughts captive and seek God in all your angst. “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don’t forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7 TLB). Don’t let Satan control your thoughts.

When you’re surrounded by hate. God promises this, “For even if the mountains walk away and the hills fall to pieces, My love won’t walk away from you, my covenant commitment of peace won’t fall apart” (Isaiah 54:10 MSG).

You Were Born to Shine

In a world full of hate be a light! “You are the world’s light—a city on a hill, glowing in the night for all to see. (Matthew 5:14 TLB) When Cruelty runs rampant, Inconsiderate shoves her way to the front of the line and Entitlement leans against the building with his arms crossed glaring as you pass by, it’s hard to be God’s light. Know this: God will never leave you nor forsake you! You can do it! You were born to shine!

People need God. Especially right now. Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly Father” (Matthew 5:15-16 TLB).

Satan sends Intimidation to taunt you. He is a thief that comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Don’t be fooled by his antics.

In a world full of hate, be a light!


Thomas Rhett says it best in the lyrics of his song, “Be a Light.”

Be A Light, Thomas Rhett

In a time full of war, be peace

In a time full of doubt, just believe

Yeah, there ain’t that much difference between you and me

In a time full of war, be peace

In a world full of hate, be a light

When you do somebody wrong, make it right

Don’t hide in the dark, you were born to shine

In a world full of hate, be a light

(La-la-la, la, la, la, la)

In a place that needs change, make a difference

In a time full of noise, just listen

‘Cause life is but a breeze, better live it

In a place that needs a change, make a difference

In a world full of hate, be a light

When you do somebody wrong, make it right

Oh, don’t hide in the dark, you were born to shine

In a world full of hate, be a light

La-la-la, la, la, la, la

La-la-la, la, la, la, la

La-la-la, la, la, la, la

La-la-la, la, la, la, la

In a race that you can’t win, slow it down

Yeah, you only get one go around

‘Cause the finish line is six feet in the ground

In a race you can’t win, just slow it down

In a world full of hate, be a light (oh-oh)

When you do somebody wrong, make it right (make it right)

Don’t hide in the dark, you were born to shine

In a world full of hate, be a light

Yeah, it’s hard to live in color, when you just see black and white

In a world full of hate, be a light

About Faith E. Richardson
Faith E. Richardson was born in Traverse City, Michigan. She lived there nine short years before moving with her mom to Fort Worth, Texas where she would remain for another eighteen years. After meeting Trent, the love of her life, they married and moved to Colorado where they raised their two children. Currently retired from decades of human resource work, Faith renewed her passion for writing. Her life experiences and dramatic flair for storytelling draw the reader in with thought-provoking material on the wonder and truth of spiritual encounters. It's her desire to get her readers as excited about the Holy Spirit as she is. You can read more about the author here.
"Well said, Faith! ❤️"

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