October 28, 2024

The Bible says that humankind is made in the image of God. What about angels? Throughout the Bible, they are called “the sons of God.” (1 Pet. 3:19–20; 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6; Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7). We know that a son or a daughter is made in the image of his or her father. So aren’t angels made in God’s image too? What are angels really like, and how do we relate to them? I normally blog about topics... Read more

July 9, 2024

Even as evangelical thinkers emphasize the importance of our gendered bodies to sexual identity, there is a parallel, persistent, consternating, and somewhat contrary message on sex (as in sexual activity): that it actually isn’t so important, relatively speaking. For instance, Todd Wilson’s book, Mere Sexuality, arguably undermines the significance of sex. More recently, in a June sermon to clergy attending the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA) in Cairo, Egypt, Rev. Sam Ferguson of The Falls Church Anglican called... Read more

June 19, 2024

Recently my church completed a sermon series on Genesis, with a key theme being sin’s effects on the human family. We explored how post-Fall familial strife pits brother against brother (Cain and Abel, Esau and Jacob, Ishmael and Isaac) and woman against woman (Sarah and Hagar, Leah and Rachel), in a string of misdeeds to which God’s grace and faithfulness run in stark parallel. While the sermons didn’t lack for insight, a presentation on Genesis by Carolyn Custis James earlier... Read more

April 22, 2024

My church, The Falls Church Anglican in Falls Church, Virginia, recently hired an outside firm to investigate credible allegations of sexual abuse, occurring in the 1990s, by former youth director Jeff Taylor. The investigator’s report, which is available here, was released late last week. In it, victim after victim tells a similar story: the gateway for abuse was a one-on-one discussion with Taylor on the “sin” of masturbation and managing the “lust” that young men face. jeff taylor It appears... Read more

March 5, 2024

Back in the late 1990s, I burned my copy of Elisabeth Elliot’s Let Me Be a Woman – a story I tell here – along with a copy of Bram Stoker’s Dracula. While I have nothing against Dracula as a novel, I burned it symbolically as a bad influence on my thinking. I’d read it too young, when I was seven. My grievances with Elliot’s book were more personal. In Let Me Be a Woman, she grossly misapplied Holy Scripture... Read more

February 7, 2024

Recently I was shocked to read an email my parents forwarded me: a pastoral letter from Chip Edgar, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina, addressing a kerfuffle at this year’s Mere Anglicanism conference. Edgar’s response essentially amounted to a takedown of the patriarchy, and I was inwardly fist-pumping. The context for his email was an explosion of prejudice from Rev. Calvin Robinson, a speaker at January’s Mere Anglicanism conference, a leading conference within the Anglican Diocese of North... Read more

December 26, 2023

For Advent this year, the children’s ministry at my church, The Falls Church Anglican, had the brilliant idea to create Advent calendars with names of Jesus for each day of the month. When my oldest daughter, who is six, read the name for day 21, she came running to me. “Mommy, what does ‘Son of Man’ mean?” You see, she thought Jesus was the Son of God, so how could he also be the Son of Man? I explained that... Read more

December 4, 2023

Is there such a thing as Christian feminism? I’ve been asked by a couple of readers to delve a bit more into how feminism does (and does not) cohere with Christian principles, as my blog has an unapologetically feminist bent. It’s a fair ask, but rather than comparing/contrasting Christian/feminist perspectives on hot-button social issues, I want to frame my response in terms of perspectives, as I’m fond of doing. What’s Your Feminist Lens? How favorably you view feminism as a... Read more

October 26, 2023

VIRTUE Online? When is it ever OK for Christians to mock and belittle other Christians? Out of curiosity, I Googled myself the other day and found, much to my amazement, the following article on Virtue Online, titled in all caps: “TALLEY CROSS: ANOTHER RAVING FEMINIST.” My initial thought – honestly! – was that I’d love a t-shirt with those words and a giant cross in the background. The article, by Alice C. Linsley, was published as an “Exclusive Report” by... Read more

September 19, 2023

Looking back over the past year, it’s hard to imagine a blank space in place of the 15 posts here. None is perfect, but all are special to me. They are canvasses onto which I have poured out my soul, intellect, and imagination pondering the things of God; they have been catalysts for spiritual formation – mine, hopefully others’ – and productive engagement. Blogging (mostly) on the patriarchy has been a burden and a blessing: the burden and blessing of... Read more

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