Unfortunately, the new year has been overshadowed by the tragic news of two domestic terrorist attacks. No one wanted or expected the new year to start with more evil and senseless violence. The first attack occurred on Bourbon Street in New Orleans well after midnight and in the darkness of the early morning.
The second attack occurred a few hours later in the city that never sleeps, Las Vegas outside of a Trump hotel. Both domestic terrorists were American-born and also served in the United States military, with the prior having associations with Isis. Both suspects also shared similar personality traits
- Power-hungry
- Hateful
- Lone wolves
The Bourbon Street attacker was believed to be radicalized by the Isis terrorist group. Isis (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (is a Sunni jihadist group with a violent ideology and claims religious authority over all Muslims.

However, the practices of Isis go against the teachings and beliefs of Islam. Islam is a Abrahamic monotheistic religion that submits to their God Allah, unfortunately, jihadists like Isis believe and practice forcing others into submitting to Allah through the ways of this world, force, and violence.
We see what happens when we try to serve more than one master at the same time. For God’s people, we cannot look at Scripture from a worldly lens, we must look at the world through a biblical lens. That is why Christianity teaches God’s people can only serve one God (Mark 12:29, James 2:19.)
We often think of the number one only as a number, but it has lots of symbolism and importance; especially for the people of God. One is defined as, “Being the same in kind, the first in a set or series; the first whole number after zero.”

Socially and economically everyone wants to be number one, so they can be first at whatever is important to them, this often leads to pride. The number one represents many things, starting over, unity, and leadership.
God’s people are taught to understand and value the number one because it has great spiritual significance both in Christianity and Judaism. In the creation account, number one represents the beginning of the earth and God’s work on this planet (Genesis 1:1-5.)
The order of God’s creation began with God creating light on day one to separate His creation from the darkness of the universe (Genesis 1:3-5.) One is also used to describe God and His people (Leviticus 20:26, Deuteronomy 6:4.)
God’s people are called to be one nation and to serve one God (1 Corinthians 8:5-6; 12:13, Ephesians 4:5-6, Philippians 2:5, 1 Timothy 2:5-6.) The Apostle Paul remembered his Jewish education about serving one God and being God’s people.
The ancient world had many gods and paths to him. The nations and the people of the world bowed to and served false gods and idols that could not save them, God’s people are commanded not to follow the idols of the world (Deuteronomy 12:30-31.)
God created creation to glorify Himself, just like he created the first Adam to be in covenant with Himself (Genesis 1:26-27.) The first Adam wanted more than what God gave him, so he turned to the false God Satan for more.
The Hebrew word in the Old Testament for one is ‘eḥāḏ and it can also mean, “First, once, an (indefinite article), any, or whole,” depending on the context it is used in. One has a lot of weight and importance in Judaism.
Israel was taught and called to believe in one God (Genesis 1:26, Exodus 20:3, Deuteronomy 4:35; 6:4, 2 Samuel 7:22, 1 Kings 8:60, Psalm 18:30, Isaiah 43:11.) Furthermore, God called Israel to be one nation devoted to Himself (Deuteronomy 7:6.)
Judaism is a belief that focuses on serving and worshiping one God instead of the gods and idols of this world. Historically, God’s people have wandered and turned to other gods of the ancient world, so God had to give them commandments to keep them from following other gods (Exodus 20:3).
- Baal
- Astarte
- Asherah
- Chemosh
- Dagon
- Moloch
- Tammuz
When the second Adam arrived, Jesus, He reminded His Disciples and followers to worship the one true God by reciting the Jewish Shema (Mark 12:28-30.) Jesus told His followers to give to the rulers of this world what had their image, but give to God what has His image just like the prophet Moses wrote in the beginning (Genesis 1: 26, Matthew 22:21.)

Jesus also claimed to be one with God (John 14:30.) Jesus prayed for God’s people to be one community, just like God is one community (John 17:21-24.) The Bible is clear that division is demonic and does not come from God (Psalm 133:1, Proverbs 6:16-19, Luke 11:17.)
God’s people are to have nothing to do with those who cause division, spread lies, conspiracies, and pointless controversies (Romans 16:17-18, 1 Corinthians 1:10-13, Ephesians 4:3-6, Titus 3:9-11, Jude 1:16-19.)
Late this week, the 119th Congress began with a battle for the speaker of the House. Despite having the majority in both the Senate and House representatives, so-called conservative politicians were divided and argued over who deserved to be the new speaker for the congressional session.
In the end, the Congress bowed to the demands of their earthly savior and idol Pres. elect Trump. This division amongst conservatives is nothing new; the conservative party has been severely fractured since the demigod wannabe first won the nomination for president back in 2016.
The controversy and division that Maga has incited is the first sign it is not an act or movement of God (1 Corinthians 14:33.) The political movement clings to practices and teachings that contradict Jesus and that make it anti-Christian (Matthew 20:25-28, Ephesians 6:12.) Forcing religion on anyone is both anti-Christian and anti-American.

Our fellow Americans are not our enemies, that makes the movement anti-American (Matthew 5:43-44.) They have turned to an earthly savior who wants to rule through force instead of to the one true God who rules through love. Maga seeks an earthly kingdom, instead of a heavenly Kingdom (Matthew 6:33.)
- Greedy
- Deceptive
- Manipulative
- Vengeful
- Forceful
Unfortunately, Maga is consumed by earthly greatness and wants to rule through power. Violence and force contradict the teachings of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Jesus came to show God’s people how to live in a fallen world and not become one with it; He came to save us from it because the path to God is ‘eḥāḏ (John 14:6!)