The Mandela Effect Phenomenon Review

The Mandela Effect Phenomenon Review July 28, 2024

This images what the behind the scenes process of filming The Mandela Effect Phenomenon may have entailed.
This image captures what the behind-the-scenes process of filming The Mandela Effect Phenomenon may have entailed. This image was captured by Kal Visuals on October 19, 2020. This photo was downloaded from on July 24, 2024.

The Mandela Effect Phenomenon 

What Is It?

The Mandela Effect Phenomenon is a documentary every Christian should watch. The reason is that writer and director Robert C. Kiviat seeks to find an answer to a controversial question.  Has reality as we know it been altered?” 

Defining the Mandela Effect

So, what is the inspiration compelling many to make this inquiry? Researchers define this curiosity as the Mandela effect. 

The Mandela effect occurs when many people incorrectly remember the same memory. The Mandela effect derives from numerous individuals believing Nelson Mandela died in prison sometime in the 1980s. 

However, the public record says the former South African President died on December 5, 2013, from a respiratory infection.

The documentary cites several other examples from pop culture to make a compelling case for the genuineness of the Mandela effect. These references leave me feeling like the Geto Boys as my “mind is playing tricks on me.” Or is it?

A Personal Experience and Conspiracies

I have had several experiences with this phenomenon. A recent example comes from a disagreement with my mother about an event during my childhood.

My mother tried to convince me that we never had a brown sliding door for our upstairs bathroom when I was a child. However, I remember thinking it was weird to have a sliding door when the other doors were standard with doorknobs. 

I also remember the sliding noise and the clicking sound the door made once it was attached to the mental strip. If we did not use this door for the upstairs bathroom, then why do I vividly recall the color and noises it made?

Inquiries about why thousands of people can recall the same occurrences if they did not happen, dominate the documentary. Consequently, the latter half of the film focuses on the various conspiracies for what causes the Mandela effect.  

My Opinion About the Film

What Do I Like?

While I would love to share my opinion on each conspiracy, I do not want to spoil the film for those interested in watching. Instead, I will mention what I like and the improvements the producers can make.

I like how the producers of the movie question whether reality can be altered. This causes viewers to use their critical thinking skills as they wrestle with whether unknown forces influence human existence.

Ephesians 6:12 talks about how Christians wrestle against the powers of this dark world due to spiritual warfare. The film offers a spiritual explanation for the Mandela effect by referencing the dark state the world is currently experiencing.

The film’s creators validate their explanation by alluding to the deception the Bible says will occur in the last days. This deception will cause some to leave the faith as they embrace false doctrines and exhibit ungodly characteristics (1 Timothy 4:1-3; 2 Timothy 3:1-9).

One Major Flaw

The creators do a great job of including a biblical rationale in their argument for why reality may have been altered. With that being said, their biblical defense has a major flaw.

An essential point of their argument derives from common understandings of certain words within a specific scripture that aren’t actually in the Bible. 

Isaiah 11:6 is a good example as the verse says the wolf and the lamb will lie down in peace. Unfortunately, common misconceptions led many to think the verse says the lion and the lamb will lie down in peace.

When referencing Isaiah 11:6, researchers could have done a better job of mentioning what leads to misconceptions regarding Bible verses. Misconceptions occur due to people listening to a preacher but not studying scripture for themselves.

Changes to scripture can also happen due to numerous Bible translations and a greater understanding of the original Greek and Hebrew texts. 

Other Areas of Improvement 

Investigators could have also confronted the fact that there are people who claim to be Christians but purposefully live contrary to scripture. This disheartening truth can change reality as the world endures the consequences of sin.

Adam and Eve endure a change in their reality as their disobedience alters how they relate to God, humanity, work, and childbirth (Genesis 3:1-19). Jesus Christ’s death also alters reality as humanity has a chance to receive salvation instead of eternal damnation (John 3:16-17).  

The documentary can also improve by shedding light on how social media dependency, technological advancements, processed foods, and trauma affect an individual’s memory. Including these can provide a more in-depth argument for the altering of reality.

Ultimately, no matter what changes manifest in reality, God remains the unchanging, sovereign ruler of the universe.

“I know that the Lord is great, that our Lord is greater than all gods. The Lord does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths” (Psalms 135:5-6, New International Version).

Have you watched the Mandela Effect Phenomenon? Does the documentary change your perception of reality? I would love to hear your thoughts. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!  

About Electi A Deo (Xavier Scott Preston)
Electi a Deo is a native of Washington, DC. He has both a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Sport Management from Liberty University and a Master of Arts in Urban Ministry from Grand Canyon University. He puts his degrees to good use by working for sports teams in the DC area. Electi a Deo has served as a support leader and administrative assistant for Mt. Sinai Baptist Church’s youth ministry since 2016. He enjoys the opportunity to disciple and empower teenagers to walk in the purpose God has for their lives within His kingdom. He is also a volunteer writer and editor for Mt. Sinai’s newsletter team. He is also a poet and spoken word artist using the name Electi a Deo (Latin for chosen by God). You can read more about the author here.
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