January 16, 2025

Fraser Watts at ISSR offers an update on those Working on Science and Religion. Let's add to Watts' list an update on theologians attending to the ecological crisis, genetic engineering, Artificial Intelligence, astrobiology, and post-colonial critique. Read more

January 13, 2025

The talk of the UAP town is the new book by Luis Elizondo, "Imminent." Elizondo briefly alludes to evangelical apocalypticism within the Pentagon and those who believe that UFOs are demonic. Just how should we evaluate apocalyptic thinking in both the Pentagon and conservative Christianity? Read more

December 27, 2024

A heavenly voice speaking within a UFO abduction experience tells Louis Farrakhan to become the prime minister of the Nation of Islam. It is science in its more highly evolved extraterrestrial manifestation that consecrates and redeems here on Earth. On this count, the Nation of Islam shares something in common with the UFO contactees who brought us a heavenly message of peace on earth. Interesting, eh! Read more

December 21, 2024

Are space aliens more scientifically and technologically advanced than we on Earth? If so, and if they are visiting Earth in flying saucers or various other UAP, might they bring to our planet spcial gifts? Might aliens bring what we need most: world peace and a solution to our ecological problems? If so, then ETI might look a lot like Santa Claus? Are aliens really our celestial saviors? Read more

December 16, 2024

The Abundant Life Christian School witnessed one more devastating event in the history of human sin. Murder is a sin. Suicide might be. But certainly America suffers from a gargantuan social sin, namely, protecting gun sale profits at the cost of the life of precious children. Read more

December 7, 2024

When we ask whether AI can become possessed by a spirit sent by Satan, we might unnecessarily beflummox our minds with an detour into puzzlement over the relationship between disembodied spirits and machine intelligence. The straight path is to follow Leona’s Law of Evil: You know it’s the voice of Satan when you hear the call to shed innocent blood. Read more

November 12, 2024

I argue against Patheos columnist Dennis Knapp who contends that "justification by faith alone" is unbiblical and that Martin Luther was wrong for holding this view. In contrast I argue that faith alone justifies. But genuine faith is never alone. Love and hope keep faith company. Read more

November 10, 2024

We're all gonna die, right? Millenial singer Jesse Welles terrorizes us with the prospect of death and the meaninglessness that haunts death. The gospel message of Jesus' Easter resurrection folowed by God's promise of our resurrection comes as good news. But it's so very hard to believe such news. It requires trust in spite of. Read more

October 30, 2024

Scholar ufologist Jensine Andresen makes a coherent case that David Bohm's dialectic between the implicate and explicate order provides an explanation for both UAP and everything else as well. Read more

October 26, 2024

If Amanda Tyler's ideal pluralistic society would be governed by religious freedom, then Christian nationalists along with MAGA Republican evangelicals should be included. Not excluded. How should we go about that? Read more

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