August 24, 2024

The Freedom of AI We often find ourselves concerned with the degree to which AI determines our lives in ways that we see and, perhaps more importantly, in ways that we do not. When there are financial motivations, some parties certainly use AI to bend our behavior in ways that are beneficial to the bottom line. Others use AI to direct our behavior in other ways, perhaps to sway our votes or to attract our attention. But AI also determines... Read more

December 15, 2023

It’s Christmastime. On my list of things to do – after getting all my grades submitted and between sessions of dealing with stale emails and attending to other overdue tasks – was thinking about gifts for my kids. Like many of us, I subcontracted my imagination and deliberation to an AI tool. Microsoft Co-Pilot told me that it “couldn’t find any relevant results for [my] query,” and then proceeded to give me some relevant results for my query. However, none... Read more

September 23, 2023

A group of faculty from my institution gathered earlier this month to discuss the presence of artificial intelligence within higher education, more specifically at our university. There was the usual hand-wringing of the prevalence of ChatGPT-generated text in student work, which is the most immediate concern of many of us who try to assess student performance in the classroom. Often, in discussions such as these, the question arises of how to best give exams or papers in such a way... Read more

November 9, 2022

AI 2041 offers glimpses of what religion might look like in a world transformed by AI. Read more

June 23, 2022

I am pleased to announce that AI, Faith, and the Future, a book I edited and authored with a number of my colleagues, is now available. Read more

March 25, 2022

Upcoming public lecture: “Artificial Intelligence and the Apocalyptic Imagination: The Ends of Artificial Agency,” April 12, 2022 Read more

February 2, 2022

The G20 Interfaith Working Group for Research and Innovation on Science, Technology, and Infrastructure recommendations for AI ethics Read more

September 28, 2021

Las Vegas is a generative site for exploring fear and loathing—as well as hope and longing—related to technological innovation. Read more

August 4, 2021

On Facebook, the Church, and the Metaverse. Read more

July 21, 2021

Whether you are inclined toward technological optimism, pessimism, or ambivalence, we all need to become technological realists. Read more

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