January 24, 2025

The Second Rule of Pilgrim Life is, “Get Down and Dirty.” Check out my previous post for the first rule.  Getting Dirty is a natural – inevitable – result of the first rule, if you do it right.  I could and will add “Get Wet,” because that happened on every journey. Drenching rain between Carlisle and Bowness on Solway, walking Hadrian’s Wall Pounding rain along the Camino Ingles to Santiago Heavy rain in the Nahal Dolev Nature Reserve on the way... Read more

January 3, 2025

After writing this blog for two years, I have come to the conclusion that it is time for me to move on, to ‘get outta here.’  Why? Well, you could say “the flesh is willing but the spirit is weak.”  If you have read any previous posts you may have detected that writing this blog has not been easy otherwise I would do it more often.  Patheos would prefer I post twice a week.  As it is, I am down... Read more

December 10, 2024

 You would be entirely within your rights to say, “What took you so long.”  I wasn’t on the trail, wasn’t ill, wasn’t occupied with something vital and urgent.  What gives?  I’ll try and tell you what took me so long.  But it took me a while to figure out. Maybe I Do Not Know That’s what I thought for a while.  But when I was honest, what I was thinking was, “Why bother?” My interest in writing this is... Read more

November 10, 2024

No, “Dallying with Demons” is not about the election.  OK, maybe it is, but in the way Norman Mailer’s “Why We Are in Viet Nam” is.  To remind you, I was in France last month, and near the end, I wrote in my diary: 19 October “To all who go on pilgrimage, Your demons will come along. Out in the world alone, you are exposed to the elements of yourself as well as the elements at large.  With the mind at... Read more

October 28, 2024

“Hi honey I’m home,” said many suburban husbands long ago.  But in my case, I am back in North America after three weeks in Europe, falling sleep at 830 and waking up at 3 AM because – jet lag. Yes, I was back on the path, resuming my gradual walk from Canterbury to Rome.  And somewhat like the famously bad joke about flying in from Las Vegas, “boy are my legs tired.” Did you Have Fun? People ask that question... Read more

September 29, 2024

Despite my many journeys, I am still prone to a disease I call ‘peregrinus nervosa,’ the nervous pilgrim.  In a couple of days I shall fly to Europe and resume my long walk that began a year ago in Canterbury.  The process for each journey is about the same in terms of planning.  Spouse has checked my itinerary, twice, as have I.   After a dozen such experiences you would think this would be almost casual, but no. Serenity is For... Read more

September 20, 2024

Standing in the Fellowship Hall of the Arch Street Quaker Meetinghouse, I saw a poster, “Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There.” You doubtless get the joke. Quakers worship silently. That was back in 1981. Since then it has been snatched by other meditative types. But it also relates to Pilgrim Life, though in a roundabout way. As a seminary student I learned about the Catholic Base Communities movement, which often incorporated “Liberation Theology” into their work, and its practice of... Read more

September 9, 2024

We all know that term, Going Down Memory Lane, meaning a wander back in time.  We are time travelers as much as we are space travelers.  Can a time journey be a pilgrimage, though?  Yes. My Memory Lane is a Pilgrimage of Race Last week I published my fourth book, and the second dealing directly with pilgrimage.  It is called “A Long Time Coming – A Pilgrimage of Race.” It recounts my physical pilgrimage retracing the 1965 March from Selma... Read more

August 25, 2024

The old joke says a fellow sees a doctor about a cold, and the doctor replies, “You can wait it out for two weeks, or I can treat it and you’ll be better in a fortnight.” “It’s a Joke Boy” Those who read my last post will get the reference.  I post here about once every two weeks, which is a fortnight.  Sure, more posts with more pics and more links would get more clicks and more money and perhaps... Read more

August 12, 2024

According to the folks at Patheos I should post at least weekly, but try as I might, the best I can manage is once a fortnight.  A few weeks back I said I was a Slow Man, and sang its praise as a spiritual virtue.  If so, then writing once a fortnight is about right.  Can’t be slow and write fast. It’s About Time Folks of a certain age (like me) remember a cheesy sitcom by that name, but we... Read more

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