January 29, 2025

We make our friends; we make our enemies; but God makes our next door neighbors.  The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people. –Gilbert K. Chesterton Life on Catholic Social Media is going to feel like a virtual WWE match for the next several years. The mud-slinging will be over the results of the last presidential election in which Donald J. Trump became the 2nd president... Read more

January 27, 2025

1. It’s sometimes tough to think of new and original material to publish on every major holiday, holy day or personal day. That’s the challenge of every blogger. It’s my 54th birthday and I have posted a blog post every year on January 27 since starting this blog. So I must continue the tradition. I decided to post 55 random thoughts about life, love and other mysteries because I needed something to write about. 1 thought for every year I... Read more

January 22, 2025

1889 is the crossroads where the descendants, living persons and ancestors of previous, current and future influencers meet on the chronological timeline of earth’s history. Wikipedia is the place where all these people live in our collected memories that we can access. I took that information and compiled it into this document. The individuals I looked at and choose to highlight in this edition of Notable People Alive In 1889  Were leaders who led their countries for better or worse... Read more

January 20, 2025

One of the most unpleasant Catholic theological issues to talk about is perhaps one of the most important issues to talk about. HELL It’s part of the traditional Catholic teaching on the 4 Last Things This hell of a resource is meant to fulfill my obligation as a Catholic writer to talk about this topic. I have borrowed thoughts from Catholic thinkers who think better than I do about this topic. I think it best to start off with What... Read more

January 16, 2025

1889 is the crossroads where the descendants, living persons and ancestors of previous, current and future influencers meet on the chronological timeline of earth’s history. Thinkers and Businessmen  Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger created the free content online encyclopedia Wikipedia which is  mostly quoted directly for all the bio descriptions read in this article. These guys helped shaped the world in our century by giving everyone easy access to information by creating an online encyclopedia that anyone can access with great ease. From there... Read more

January 13, 2025

1889 is the crossroads where the descendants, living persons and ancestors of previous, current and future influencers meet on the chronological timeline of earth’s history. Please Note Wikipedia in which the Catholic Bard quotes directly for all the bio descriptions read in these articles. This article is part of a series of  Notable People Alive In 1889  Scrooge. Alice. Holmes. The Wicked Witch. Dracula.  Father Brown. Peter Rabbit and a whole lot of other familiar characters were created by individuals... Read more

January 9, 2025

1889 is the crossroads where the descendants, living persons and ancestors of previous, current and future influencers meet on the chronological timeline of earth’s history. Please Note Wikipedia in which the Catholic Bard quotes directly for all the bio descriptions read in these articles. This article is part of a series of  Notable People Alive In 1889  As I write these words it is the very end of the Christmas season and Hark The Herald Angels Sing is still being... Read more

January 7, 2025

For your spiritual edification here is a selection from the public domain work Holy Mass (1907) by Mother Loyola (1845–1930) There are those amongst us, who, to the close of a long life, will remember their thrill of awe when it was first told them that Jesus Christ, Who once walked this earth of ours, so worshipped, so hated, and so loved; Who lay on the straw and was glorified by Angels; Who worked in the carpenter’s shop, and trod... Read more

January 2, 2025

Most people celebrate their New Year on January 1 while Catholics celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.The Catholic new liturgical year started on December 1, 2024 the first Sunday of Advent and the Jubilee year kicked off on Christmas Eve. For Kristin and I January 2 is our new year. January 2, 2010 we enhanced friendship by becoming husband and wife and got married. That was 15 years ago. Back in 2010 Here are some of the the... Read more

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