January 14, 2025

Have you ever loved a singer-songerwriter so much, that it was as if they were singing to you? When I was in high school, I was absolutely in love with Ricky Martin. I loved his music, but more, I loved him, and when I listened to his music, it was him who was singing to me—just like in Marc Anthony’s 90’s hit, You Sang to Me: How I long to hear you sing beneath the clear blue skies And I... Read more

December 24, 2024

Whether or not you’re a practicing Christian, you’ve most likely encountered some beautiful images of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus—born in a manger. Maybe you attended a Christmas concert with beautiful music or watched a beautiful Christmas movie. Most likely, amidst the busyness and bustling of the holiday season, you’ve found at least a bit of the beauty of Christmas. The beauty of the Incarnation But the beauty of the Incarnation—when the Word of God became flesh–extends beyond beautiful... Read more

October 28, 2024

Lifted Up in Virtue When I was in high school and just under voting age, I became such a passionate Democrat that, dismayed after the election results came in, I wrote off voting for the next twenty years of my life. I decided I could do more with my time than delve into politics which could very likely lead to absolutely no change at all. Instead, I allowed that youthful passion for life, love, and liberty to lead me to... Read more

October 8, 2024

Have you ever been inspired to do something creative? Maybe paint, dance, draw, or create something new in the world? Renoir and his call to paint French artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir surely did. He was determined to celebrate the beauty of creation by painting. What some people don’t know, is that Renoir suffered debilitating and painful rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, according to an exhibit at the Philadelphia Art Museum, Renoir was faced with such physical pain, that he perceived a choice... Read more

September 23, 2024

Fall is the perfect time to cozy up by the fireplace and read a good book as you watch colored leaves rock back and forth gently to the ground. There are plenty of incredible books to choose from; but there’s one book that I can’t recommend enough- and I recommend it to everyone regardless of individual beliefs or dis-beliefs. It’s technically considered an encyclical, which is a Vatican document produced by the Pope, for the world and the Church. It’s... Read more

July 11, 2024

St. Benedict’s spirituality includes an emphasis on autonomous communities as well as stability. Benedictine monks or sisters who resided in a particular community committed to staying in that particular place and with those particular religious. This contrasts with the practices of other religious orders and diocesan priests who are often sent from one location to another. The need for connection In today’s world, we’re less and less connected to our neighborhood and neighbors. We may walk out of our houses... Read more

July 3, 2024

Seeing fireworks is always an outstanding experience. I can recall my childhood memories of walking to the fireworks with crowds of cousins. We sat on blankets while we all looked up, all felt the rolling vibrations, and all felt our mouths fall open with awe as we enjoyed one beautiful blast after another.  To this day, each time I see fireworks, I feel particularly close to those around me. Research on unity and shared experiences Well, research explains why this... Read more

June 3, 2024

During the Last Supper, Jesus blessed the bread and wine, inviting His friends to “drink from it” (Matthew 26:27). Likewise, at Mass, the priest consecrates the wine, blessing it and inviting the faithful to drink from it. If you attend Mass regularly, you may have noticed that during the COVID-19 pandemic, churches stopped offering the consecrated wine—the blood of Christ. This was presumably done to prevent the spread of germs. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has ended, churches rarely serve the... Read more

May 21, 2024

This Memorial Day, we remember all those who’ve given their lives for the sake of our country. In doing so, we also celebrate with an extended weekend just when we need it most: As the busy month of May winds down and we gear up for summer sun. While we honor all those who’ve served in the military this Memorial Day, we might also take time to remember other people and experiences over the holiday weekend. Try to Remember Try... Read more

February 3, 2024

Have you ever encountered something so beautiful that it left you in a state of awe? Maybe you even felt inspired to be a better person or give more to others? If so, what was it that struck you as beautiful? Maybe it was the rising sun upon the rolling waves of the Atlantic Ocean, colorful flowers standing tall amidst a Spring rain, or the majesty of one of Claude Monet’s masterpieces. But have you ever been moved by acts... Read more

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