The Triumph of Christian Conservatism in 2024: A Look Back

The Triumph of Christian Conservatism in 2024: A Look Back December 28, 2024

As we approach the end of the year, I wanted to highlight some articles from 2024, especially those articles that anticipate the ascendancy of Christian conservatism and the national downfall of progressivism. I also provide a post-mortem to assist progressives in how they ought to move forward.

Have a great and happy New Year.

January 2024

Let’s Stop the Extremist Rhetoric – It’s Unhelpful

In this article, I started the year with an appeal to political progressives to stop their extreme rhetoric against conservatives, especially conservative Christians. Such rhetoric, aside from being false, also turns some people off to the progressive message. With the triumph of conservativism in 2024, the majority of Americans were indeed turned off. Had progressives heeded my advice, 2024 may have turned out very differently.

Key quote from the article:

To all those who use extreme rhetoric to demonize conservatives: Please stop.

Deal with arguments, not absurd claims and personal attacks. Stop dismissing conservatives as “bigoted,” “phobic,” “fascistic,” and as “Christian Nationalists.” I understand the appeal of this sort of tactic, I do. In one fell swoop, conservatives get demonized, and some anti-Christian views you hold get justified. Such a tactic gives more heat than light. It also makes you look uninformed and opens you up to your own absurdity getting thrown back at you.

So, what do you say? Moving forward, can we just deal with the arguments and leave the extreme rhetoric alone? As an election year, 2024 will prove challenging. How about we make it less so?

February 2024

Trump: A Theo-fascist Dictator? Come On, Man…

Unfortunately, many on the Left failed to heed my advice and even went so far as to double-down on it. According to Salon’s Amanda Marcotte, in February, Trump transformed into a irreligious theofascist dictator. This article even made it to the Yahoo News webpage. Obviously, the goal here was fearmongering. In my conclusion, I again warned progressives not to venture down this path.

…let’s stop the extremist rhetoric, it’s unhelpful. Those who see through this game understand this sort of tactic as just another attempt to sway the uninformed through fear. Moreover, those who engage in it seem to lack any awareness that their approach may turn people off. A second Trump term may very well negatively impact the United States. Regardless, I guarantee that it WILL NOT involve him becoming a theo-fascist dictator.

But alas, some people will continue to write such things hoping the fear they generate turns into votes in November.

If only my warning were heeded…

March 2024

Democrats: Want Trump to Go Away? Let Him Win and Reset

In March, I once again sought to help progressives navigate the 2024 political landscape. Seeing the writing on the wall concerning Biden’s age and unpopularity, I recommended the Democrats let Trump win and seek out an infusion of newer and younger blood. I also saw Democrats losing in November as a good thing for them. Now, Democrats can regroup and operate as a party in opposition. It also allows progressives to move past Trump.

Key quote:

…instead of focusing on the “evils of Trump,” Democrats ought to focus on maintaining the Senate and flipping the House of Representatives. This strategy balances out the potential “damages” of a Trump presidency. Furthermore, “power in opposition” provides plenty of opportunities for the candidates-in-waiting to develop their game for the inevitable 2028 run.

Will they heed my advice, now that they possess no other choice?

May 2024

President Mocks Catholics as Progressive Catholicism Weakens

Moreover, Democrats blew the Catholic vote in 2024 (a point I make later in the year) in no small part to the actions (and inactions) of the current Catholic president. In April 2024, President Biden used the sign of the cross in support of abortion at a rally in Florida. For non-Catholics out there, the use of this sign in support of abortion is sacrilege. Such an act did not sit well with American Catholics.

Key quote:

The Catholic Church in American currently occupies two worlds. One world represents the waning influence of progressive cafeteria Catholicism reflected in Catholics like President Joe Biden. The other world constitutes the emerging faithful who seek to reclaim an authentic Catholic faith considered diluted by progressives of the last generation.

These faithful made their voices heard in 2024.

July 2024

In July, I wrote two relevant articles.

Project 2025 – A Threat without Tooth or Claw


In Defense of JD Vance

In Project 2025 – A Threat without Tooth or Claw, I AGAIN appealed to progressives to cease with the hateful rhetoric, this time, after the first assassination attempt on President Trump in Pennsylvania. Clearly, all the hateful progressive rhetoric of the previous seven months finally came to fruition in a July field in Butler, Pennsylvania. Some of this hateful rhetoric came from progressives’ attempts to link former President Trump with Project 2025 as some sort of game plan to implement a theofascist regime. Moreover, even with Trump continuously disavowing the project, the Left still used it to promote fear up to the election.

Key quote:

The fearmongering rhetoric, like that with Project 2025, identifying Trump with Hitler, and an existential threat to democracy, are directly connected to the assassination attempt. Let’s stop the fearful rhetoric.

In Defense of JD Vance took on a more personal note, as I relate closely with the struggles he experienced in his familial background. As a person, Vance represents hope in the American dream, given one commits to hard work and receives help from a strong, extended community.

Key quote:

To the progressives who dismiss JD Vance (and conservatives like him) please take a moment to consider a few things:

Consider if you truly know what it’s like to suffer neglect and hunger.

Consider if you know what it’s like to live without hope for the future.

Like me, JD overcame, by the grace of God, immense obstacles. He also understands “the system” from the inside out, as I do.

Can his elite media critics say the same? Can you say the same?

August 2024 (A Weird Misstep)

Welcome to the New “Weird”

Moreover, three months before presidential election, progressives went on a different kind of offensive—labeling traditional Western values as “weird.” Opposing abortion was “weird,” as was defending women’s only spaces. Regarding this new kind of “normal,” I stated:

In this universe, the word woman is undefined, we celebrate killing the unborn and think traditional family values are weird. It seems that those who existed before five minutes ago also participated in weirdness and thank God! Their weirdness ensured our present existence. May we weird ones continue their legacy and thereby ensure future generations also enjoy being weird.

Unfortunately for progressives, this misstep into calling the perfectly normal weird continued to alienate them from everyday Americans.

October 2024

In October, I made a last attempt to persuade my fellow Catholics that Democrats did not deserve our votes due to their extreme views on abortion and gender ideology with three articles:

USCCB: Vote to Protect Children in Law and Against Abortion

In 2024, the Seamless Garment Offers No Cover for Democrats

Yes, Definitions Matter in All Discussions on Abortion

Key quote:

I implore all eligible in the US to vote. I do so myself recently by taking advantage of early voting in Texas. I hope all Catholics listen to the USCCB and vote to protect children in law and against abortion. This cannot happen with a vote for Kamala Harris.

Clearly, by the results, Catholics voted against Kamala Harris and the Democratic parties’ extreme views on abortion and gender ideology.

November 2024

In November, I did my own election post-mortem with another three articles.

Bigotry, Racism, & Fascism Did Not Win in the 2024 Election

3 Steps Democrats Can Take to Reclaim the Catholic Vote

Should a Christian Vote for a Pro-Choice Candidate?

In Bigotry, Racism, & Fascism Did Not Win in the 2024 Election, I challenged the progressives’ coping narrative that blamed Trump’s victory on bigotry, racism, and fascism. Vice President Harris lost due to six key reasons: no open primary, the economy, the border, foreign wars, identity politics, and extreme views on abortion.

Furthermore, in 3 Steps Democrats Can Take to Reclaim the Catholic Vote, I provide three steps Democrats should take to reclaim the Catholic vote, including:

Step 1: Abandon Extreme Positions on Abortion.

Step 2: Stop Targeting Pro-Lifers, Nuns, and Catholic Hospitals.

Step 3: Abandon Woke Ideology and Protect Title IX.

Finally, in Should a Christian Vote for a Pro-Choice Candidate?, I had the honor of appearing on my friend Matt Graham’s podcast, Rational Animal, to discuss if Christians should vote for pro-choice (pro-abortion) political candidates. Short answer: No.

Final Thoughts on the Triumph of Christian Conservatism in 2024 and a Look Towards 2025 and Beyond

All-in-all, 2024 proved a very good year for Christian conservatism in America. Did Christian conservatism win all their battles? Sadly, no. Some states (blue states) with deeply entrenched progressive governments became even more aggressively progressive. They enacted extreme abortion laws that place the unborn in those states in dire peril. However, with the wins Christian conservatives experienced in 2024, more wins remain within reach in 2025. Furthermore, with the continued exodus from blue states to red states, the prospects for continued Christian conservative victories into the 2030s seem all but certain.

Finally, if you read my articles. Thank you! If you also took time to comment on them, thanks, again! I truly enjoy sharing my thoughts with you.

I hope you all have a Happy New Year. God bless you all.

Thank you!

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