January 26, 2025

Two thousand years ago, an itinerant Rabbi named Jesus of Nazareth walked the lands of present-day Israel. Today, Christians are asked to follow this very same figure. How is this possible, and what exactly does it mean to follow Jesus; how does one proceed? “Follow Me” Throughout the New Testament, Jesus often utters the phrase “follow me.” Not surprisingly, the phrase is almost always used as an invitation to discipleship. A prime example is taken from Matthew’s Gospel. “As Jesus... Read more

January 19, 2025

It is a rare occasion indeed when Christians and atheists agree. However, that is precisely the case when it comes to those Christians who deny that Jesus is God. However, for Catholics, the statement of faith that Jesus is God is foundational to the Christian faith. If Jesus is who He says, we all must do everything in our power to follow Him. If He is not, our faith is in vain, and our sins remain. In this paper, I... Read more

January 12, 2025

  “Un-thread the rude eye of rebellion, and welcome home again discarded faith.” – William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare is often at or near the top of any list of the world’s greatest English writers. Author of nearly forty plays and over one hundred and fifty poems, Shakespeare remains the quintessential playwright and poet some four hundred years after his death. What I would like to examine, however, is William Shakespeare’s religious views. Specifically, is it possible to find the influence... Read more

January 5, 2025

It is a basic tenet of psychology that we are “meaning making machines.” This claim is frequently validated by children, for they are incessantly asking “why”? It is insufficient to simply know what a thing is; human beings must assign it meaning in order to make sense of our world. Simply put, human beings want to know not only what something is but why. In this paper, I will argue that much of our dysfunction and unhappiness is a product... Read more

December 29, 2024

“There is no such thing as Judeo-Christian.” So says Father Calvin Robinson, a member of the Anglican Catholic Church. Is Father Robinson correct? In this paper, I will argue that he is not and that the term Judeo-Christian is vitally important to understanding the Bible and the morality that it espouses. However, it may be beneficial first to discuss what the term Judeo-Christian means. Definitions The term can refer to various topics, often with widely diverging meanings. However, Judeo-Christian generally... Read more

December 22, 2024

In a secular world, it can be easy to forget the religious and historical significance of Christmas. To some extent, this is due to Christmas having become a kind of secular holiday, despite its immense religious importance. However, Christmas remains a time rife with religious, historical, and symbolic meanings for Christians. It is the historical and symbolic aspects of Christmas that I will explore in this essay. The History Of Christmas The word Christmas appears to be derived from an... Read more

December 15, 2024

The time has come when Catholics celebrate the season of Advent. In general, Advent is defined as a period of prayer in preparation for Christmas, including four Sundays, the first nearest the feast of Saint Andrew, held on November 30th. Significantly, it is also considered the beginning of the Church’s liturgical year.  In this essay, I will provide a brief introduction to Advent and discuss the two most common symbols of Advent: candles and wreaths. I will conclude by suggesting... Read more

December 8, 2024

Recently, Pope Francis issued a letter ostensibly addressing seminarians preparing for the priesthood. The letter stressed the importance of teaching Church history, particularly a history free from the restraints of ideologies. (See “Letter of the Holy Father Francis On The Renewal Of The Study Of Church History”). In this paper, I want to use the Pope’s comments as a point of departure to examine the relationship between history and ideology. I will do this by providing a brief synopsis of... Read more

December 1, 2024

Within a subset of philosophy, there is a discipline called metaphysics. This discipline is concerned with being as such. Catholic metaphysics subscribes to dualism in cosmology and its philosophy of mind. It is unnecessary to go into the specifics here other than to note that dualism refers to the theory that the universe (cosmology) comprises two fundamental substances. Similarly, the philosophy of mind dualism suggests that the mind and body are two distinct substances. In this paper, I want to... Read more

November 24, 2024

Our modern times place a great emphasis on tolerance. In an age of political correctness, tolerance is seen as a great virtue for one to possess. But, is it? Should Catholics seek to cultivate tolerance? In this paper, I want to examine tolerance in relation to the Catholic teaching on virtue. What Is Virtue? “Virtue is a good habit consonant with our nature.” – Saint Augustine. A narrow definition of virtue refers to the quality of courage or fortitude. However,... Read more

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