September 15, 2024

Anxiety Sucks It shows up at any age and wreaks havoc on its victim – it knows no boundaries and will attach itself and try to suck the very life out of its host. It knows no age, ethnic group, religion, male/female, not gender specific…it will thrive in its host if allowed. Anxiety sucks! It is not pleasant in the least and every day can seem similar to the day before. Another battle against anxiety awaits with each new day,... Read more

September 4, 2024

The Perpetual Cycle of Worry Do you ever worry so much that you will only worry more about worrying and the endless thoughts of worry will never end? Do you worry to the point that you pay it no mind until you realize consciously that in your subconscious, the worry never left, instead you set it aside only to return to it later? The perpetual cycle of worry is said to be self-inflicted. A prison of the mind to which... Read more

September 1, 2024

Taming the Tongue How many times have you found yourself in that same spot? Lying in the field of regret and once again hit with the realization that you’ve “oops, I did it again!”? If you have found yourself there this week you’re certainly not alone. I too, have been there this week and I’m certainly not proud of it. My tongue can tend to get me in a lot of trouble and you would think by the time you... Read more

August 31, 2024

Being a Father Can Be Both Exhilarating and Exhausting As a husband and father of 7, life can be quite amazing, full of joy, happiness, gumdrops, lollipops, unicorns, and butterflies; until it isn’t. Tantrums, arguments, yelling, siblings smacking siblings, seismic outbursts in public that would make the most hardened criminal blush. Yes, the joys of being a dad are real and the circus train exists not far behind. I’m nothing but a mere man, and some days I’m an average... Read more

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