January 24, 2025

The inauguration of 47th US president Donald Trump puts sanctuary cities front and center in his crackdown on illegal immigration. But cities providing safe haven are not a modern concept. The Old Testament made provision for cities of refuge back in biblical times. Whether biblical refuge or immigration sanctuary, safe haven cities aim for mercy as well as justice. History of Safe Haven Cities Many ancient Near Eastern cultures observed the custom of allowing specified religious places such as shrines... Read more

January 19, 2025

Faith and politics seem like an oil and water combination, two things that just don’t mix. But these spheres sometimes come together, such as at state funerals. On January 9th politicians gathered in a religious venue to honor and mourn the loss of the 39th President of the United States, Jimmy Carter. The location? Washington National Cathedral, where faith and politics intersect. History of the National Cathedral The idea of having a church home for Americans in their nation’s capital... Read more

January 9, 2025

Families watching Christmas movies together has become a staple activity during the holidays. In 2024, a new movie released November 8th added another option to the tried and true selections of past years. Appealing to all ages, Dallas Jenkins’ “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” captivates viewers of all ages with humor as well as faith lessons. But why limit those lessons simply to the holidays? Instead, make embracing faith lessons from The Best Christmas Pageant Ever all year a 2025... Read more

December 31, 2024

While former President Jimmy Carter didn’t live to see the beginning of 2025, he did reach the age of 100. He made a profound impact on the world around him, one that continued  after his departure from the White House through the decades prior to his death. The secret to Carter’s success, his deep and abiding faith, was really no secret at all. His public life allowed Jimmy Carter to display and speak about his faith on a worldwide stage.... Read more

December 27, 2024

During Christmas, something will get covered. The question is what. In our materialistic world, people tend to focus on things, specifically presents which are covered in wrapping paper. But for Christians, a person provides the meaning for the season, not a thing. The focus is on the baby covered in swaddling clothes and placed in a manger in Bethlehem. The Christmas covers of wrapping paper and swaddling clothes provide something to ponder at this time of year. Wrapping Paper As... Read more

December 19, 2024

Hear someone say “Bethlehem,” and most people probably think of a nativity set. They envision a stable with Baby Jesus in a manger, Mary and Joseph hovering near the baby, shepherds from the local fields, wise men bearing gifts, and a few assorted animals. But what do those celebrating Christmas know about the little town serving as the site for this scene? Learning basics about biblical Bethlehem where Jesus was born adds to the understanding of the momentous event observed... Read more

December 11, 2024

In December, Christmas is uppermost in most Americans’ minds. While busy counting down the days until the holiday, buying gifts, and attending parties, believers often miss out on experiencing what leads up to Christmas. They overlook the sacred time on many faith calendars preceding Christmas known as Advent. Not familiar with it? Take a few minutes to learn more about and to consider five reasons to celebrate Advent. What’s Advent? In many churches Advent is a four-week season spent in... Read more

December 4, 2024

To dig or not to dig. That is the question facing El Salvador’s government. The country’s president proposes lifting the ban on gold mining which has been in place for several years. The lure of economic benefit from mining gold calls for utilizing the country’s resource to better itself. But the Catholic Church believes resulting environmental harm calls for leaving the current ban in place. Stewardship or earthly riches? El Salvador must decide. El Salvador Basics El Salvador is the... Read more

November 26, 2024

Besides being the month in which Thanksgiving falls, November also serves as National Adoption Month. President Clinton announced that designation in 1995, and the recognition continues in 2024. Even if people have never been personally touched by adoption, they can express thanks for the process. Five reasons for giving thanks for adoption allow the combination of recognizing adoption and identifying things to be thankful for during November. What’s Adoption? Adoption is a legal process which creates a parent-child relationship between... Read more

November 19, 2024

With an archbishop’s resignation submitted November 12th, the position of head of the Church of England is now open. Fueled by the fallout from a sexual abuse scandal, Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, took this unprecedented step. Sadly, a modern Canterbury tale involving an abuse scandal ousting an archbishop may be what it takes to sharpen the focus on the accountability of church leadership. The Church Of England The Church of England, a Christian denomination, serves as the official church... Read more

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