January 9, 2025

  Have you ever typed a paper on a word document? After typing the document, have you ever been shocked by the amount of squiggly red lines under the heinous amount of words that you’ve typed? How do we make so many mistakes? Spelling errors abound. Using the wrong “their”, “there”, or “they’re” is understandable. Even typing the word “the” twice is one of my favorite errors that I make. (You may even see it in this article. Leave a... Read more

December 14, 2024

Hell… Seriously? I wrote an article on Hell about a three months ago. It was meant to simply open the conversation. Based on the comments, and from experience, the topic of Hell rubs many people the wrong way. How is it possible? How can a good and loving God devise such a place?   The comments ranged from claims that the Catholic Church made it up, to it’s simply invalid (even though the RCC arguably didn’t form until the 6th... Read more

December 12, 2024

“Forgive but Don’t Forget” This is a principle I grew up hearing all of the time. In other words, one is able to forgive someone, yet you must learn from this instance and keep a record of wrongs in order to keep tabs on your relationship with one who wrongs you. It’s forgiveness, with a bill that is wracking up credit. It’s disregarding someone’s action towards you, but keeping a list of people in your mind to watch more closely.... Read more

August 20, 2024

Let me give you a scenario. It’s the 1800s in the United States. On the ballot is a presidential ticket which is for the freedom of slaves in the antebellum south and on the other ticket are folks who are for keeping slaves with their masters. Obviously there are other issues to vote on, but this issue is the headliner. We’d all agree it’s important. The people who are for keeping the slaves say things like: “If you don’t want... Read more

August 16, 2024

For those of you that don’t know, I enjoy writing. Not only do I enjoy writing for this platform, but I also write poetry. I’ve fancied myself a poet since about senior year of High School. Just typing this out makes me feel old! Regardless, I’ve been reflecting on the state of Youth Ministry in America and can’t help but think that maybe we are missing the mark a little bit. Don’t get me wrong, I think there many faithful... Read more

August 8, 2024

” Worship.  It’s something that every Christian strives to do with their lives. In one of Paul’s exhortations to the Church, he writes to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice Holy and pleasing to God. We are to offer ourselves, every bit of ourselves, to the Lord. And yet, there is a way for us to do so that honors the Lord, and there is a way to attempt to worship that is not. Have you ever thought about... Read more

July 28, 2024

Have you ever been told that anger is bad? I sure have. When I was little, I remember watching a show on the History Channel (I forgot which show it was so forgive me). In this show, the narrator sought to explain the 7 deadly sins. One of which, of course, was “wrath.” In my own ignorance I thought that wrath was the same thing as anger. For instance, anger over not getting what I wanted for dinner was deadly.... Read more

July 25, 2024

Who hasn’t seen the family of 4 at a restaurant? 2 siblings fight each other over something so trivial that only a child can imagine the seriousness of its offense. The parents bicker back and forth over something else. And meanwhile the visitors simply try to enjoy their meal. We’ve seen the sting of divorce. The sting of abuse (emotional, physical, and mental) in relationships runs rampant. Abandonment, cheating, and avoiding responsibility is all too common. Dysfunctionality has become commonplace... Read more

July 3, 2024

We Survived… Take it from the mind of G.K. Chesterton when it comes to discussions around politics. “I never discuss anything else except politics and religion. There is nothing else to discuss.” Some of you may roll your eyes in disdain and sarcasm. Others may soberly nod and agree. The fact of the matter is, there are 2 things that impact everybody: Religion and Politics. They need to be discussed. At the dinner table, in small groups… Yes… from the... Read more

June 11, 2024

I’ve Heard it Said… … that a good argument against theism is that the default for humanity is atheism. The argument goes like this: If the default position for humanity is atheism then theism cannot be true. The default position for humanity is atheism. Therefore, theism cannot be true. Said in simpler terms, one only believes in God because they were told to. We were indoctrinated to believe in God by our parents who were indoctrinated by their parents, and... Read more

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