The recent promotion of Cardinal Robert McElroy to lead the archdiocese of the District of Columbia has set off alarm bells in Catholic media. Read more
The recent promotion of Cardinal Robert McElroy to lead the archdiocese of the District of Columbia has set off alarm bells in Catholic media. Read more
A recent interview with Harvard professor Arthur Brooks confirms the SOUL SCIENCE hypothesis. Read more
This is part 2 of our discussion of the Stephen King classic The Shining. Read more
"Jack Torrance—Everyman or Monster?" Kubrick showed us that Jack the Monster made for riveting cinematic entertainment. But King showed us more—namely, that Jack the *Everyman* contributed prescient social commentary to a dying culture. Read more
Top mental health experts warn that the profession needs to change its model of care. But change it to WHAT? The answer to that question is murky. And that's the topic for today's episode. The question: Are researchers hiding the evidence that religious practice offers multiple mental health benefits? Read more
RFK's proposal to tackle America's mental health crisis: the promises and the problems Read more
On the eve of a brand new college football season, this special edition of SOUL SCIENCE takes a look at the unique contribution of Notre Dame to American popular culture. So take a break from the culture wars and enjoy opening day of a great American pastime! Read more
The 2028 Olympics will be returning to Los Angeles. And if the Democrats run the Olympics the way they run our country, they could end up igniting World War III. Read more
The attempted assassination of Donald Trump is a Dorian Gray moment for America: Welcome to the "Immoral Landscape of the New Atheism"! Read more
A review of the past week's big news items and their religious implications. Read more