January 23, 2025

Over the last 8+ years, I’ve thought/talked/wrote/taught about magical resistance work a whole lot. And the thing I keep coming back to is this: the work we do at the local level that aids, builds, and protects community is the most essential and effective. Read more

January 23, 2025

Today I am bringing the ICE sigil back to the forefront, along with some crucial resources for protecting those who would be targets thanks to systems of injustice, racism, and bigotry. Read more

January 9, 2025

I was traversing liminal space as the calendar year shifted, so the 2025 Sigil for the Year making session took place via zoom on 1-8-2025. We created something that feels powerful, transformative, and dynamic. Here it is for your own exploration and use! Read more

December 10, 2024

As we move indoors for the winter here in the Northern Hemisphere and enter the season of holiday gatherings, it is wise to be extra mindful of our health - both physical and emotional. Besides masking up, practicing good hygiene, and setting boundaries when needed - it doesn't hurt to add a little magic to the mix to keep you healthy! Read more

November 14, 2024

"There is a lot to say. There is a hell of a lot more to do." - The goal of the Medusa sigil is to protect, empower, and prepare you for the necessary work. Read more

October 30, 2024

The Freedom From Fear Sigil bears the subtitle/goal of "To Build Stronger Community" and it emerged out of a fantastic discussion about education, personal safety, community crafting, and building engagement.  Read more

October 24, 2024

Following on the heels of the Recovery & Rebuild Sigil is the Endurance Sigil, which goes well with the aforementioned sigil. When the unexpected happens (such as a massive natural disaster like Hurricane Helene), one of the most difficult things is to be in a state of waiting and holding. It affects us emotionally, mentally, and physically to not know what's next or when or IF normal ever returns. Read more

October 22, 2024

The Recover and Rebuild Sigil is designed to aid folks recovering from natural (and manmade) disasters - and to assist those seeking to help them.  Read more

August 21, 2024

This November in the United States brings us another presidential election. Which means if you're eligible to vote, you need to tap into your power and participate. And I've got three big reasons for you why you need to do something about it. And yes, this involves Witchcraft.  Read more

August 6, 2024

Is there such a thing as too much hope? I don't think so - especially when it's mixed with tempered wisdom, effective action, and foundational efforts to build upon. Hope is some seriously powerful fuel in that combination. Especially when it comes to Witchcraft. Buckle up, because this is more than just posting a sigil.  Read more

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