December 28, 2024

I am excited to bring you the next Interview with a Water Priestess! This time it is with Catharine Robinette who just published her first book on water. It is called Heal the Water and is a guidebook on using energy to heal and protect the sacred Waters of our Planet! I was so honored to write the forward for this book!  Read more

November 22, 2024

My life revolves around the White Spring and my Water Priestess work and I couldn't be happier. It is honestly a dream come true, and sometimes I have to pinch myself to believe it is real! Read more

August 24, 2024

Working at the White Spring can deliver experiences that will leave you shattered or bring you to absolute bliss. Sometimes it seems like there is no in-between. This is not true. The spring brings a full spectrum of experiences. Some of which are often life-changing. Read more

May 29, 2024

Fossils of all kinds can be used in our magical practices. From healing and prosperity to protection and blasting magic. They are ancient ancestors frozen in stone who are ready to be our allies in magic and aid us in our spells. Read more

March 11, 2024

Hello readers! I am so happy to share with you another installment in the Interview with a Water Priestess series with you! This time I interview Lyn Thurman and we learn about her connection with the Sea! Before we begin I also want to share that the 2nd annual Water Priestess Confluence is just around the corner! We have 3 keynote speakers and 40 other presentations this year! It is going to be a delightful and immersive experience! Get your... Read more

January 11, 2024

Generally speaking, the majority of magical workings I do involve Mother Ocean. I often take trips to various locations along the Oregon, and Washington coastline. When I go to the Ocean, I engage in what I call ‘Big Magic’ or ‘Big Healing’. The Ocean is a great conduit for physical rejuvenation, purification, collective healing work, deep inner healing processes, and weather magic. Read more

December 18, 2023

Exactly a year ago, I began my first shift as a Keeper in training at the White Spring. It has been both amazing and really tough. It has tested me, transformed me, left me crying on my knees, exhausted me, and shown me some of the most amazing magic of my life. It has both shaken and strengthened me. Read more

December 6, 2023

One year ago, the Water Spirits were guiding me to make a change. It was a big change and like all the other times they have guided me, I listened. They called me into sacred service in Avalon. So, I turned my life upside down. Read more

September 16, 2023

Imagine a symposium about Witchcraft, folk magic, and Water featuring some of the most amazing Witches in the world speaking on Water Witchcraft, Water Magic, Water Folklore, and more! Read more

June 15, 2023

I am an emissary for the dolphins, and also the whales, and I serve the ocean both on a personal level in my daily life, and on a professional level as founder of the Dolphin Rose Temple. I connect with the ocean as an emanation of the Divine Mother, and it’s her I go to often for guidance and cleansing. Read more

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