January 24, 2025

The film is about a teacher who takes a trouble student under his wing. Read more

December 19, 2024

The film is a family survival drama that takes place after Los Angeles is hit by a nuclear attack. Read more

November 22, 2024

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Jonas Dassler) says he must split the church to save it, in Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin. Read more

May 21, 2024

Interestingly, both actors have Nativity-movie experience. Read more

February 3, 2024

What did Jesus -- and Dallas Jenkins -- know, and when did they know it? Read more

December 22, 2023

Netflix released a huge list of its 18,000 most-watched shows. Noah and The Chosen both ranked in the top 750. What else made the list...? Read more

December 7, 2023

My chat with 100 Bible Films author Matt Page about the stage-musical version of the classic animated film. Read more

December 1, 2023

The Benefactor can't believe Kevin is praying, in an exclusive clip from Angel Studios' first sci-fi film The Shift. Read more

May 11, 2023

The 2010 film, which stars Estevez's father Martin Sheen as a lapsed Catholic on a pilgrimage in Spain, is coming back to theatres next week. Read more

March 27, 2023

The first-time feature-film maker talks about tackling one of the Old Testament's more controversial stories and how he tied it back to the story of Jesus. Read more

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