This week the big news has been about President Trump taking office and his sweeping changes and cuts to the government. Even before taking office President Trump was consumed by earthly power.
- Greed
- Deceptive
- Uncompassionate
President Trump is more concerned about earthly greatness and temporary happiness than the good of the nation and others. His agenda led him to violate the 14th Amendment by ending birthright citizenship.

Next President Trump pardoned and freed 1500 terrorists who attacked our capital nearly 5 years ago. Then President Trump ended the EEO Act of 1964. After failing to meet President Trump’s standards Vivek Ramaswamy was fired less than a day into President Trump’s second term.
Just like with his first term President Trump is willing to fire anyone who isn’t completely loyal to him and his agenda. God’s people are called to obey Him and His law and are forbidden to bow to any other god or wannabe God (Exodus 20:3-5.)
What Is Bowing
Nowadays we don’t think much about bowing, because it isn’t physically practiced much in today’s society. Bowing is more than just a physical act; it is an act of humility, respect, and submission to a greater power.
Bowing is defined as, “To cease from competition, yield or submit; to bend head, body, or knee in reverence or submission.” Bowing is practiced and more culturally understood in other countries and cultures around the world than here in America.

Bowing has a lot of spiritual and biblical importance, especially for those who are under God’s authority. The Bible has a lot to say about bowing, particularly in regard to God’s people. We are called to submit to God’s authority above all, including those people He puts in power unless their laws contradict God’s commands (Acts 5:29-32.)
God alone is our Lord, Judge, and Savior (John 10:30, 1 Corinthians 2:6, James 2:19.) That means we are only to bow and serve the One true God (Romans 12:1; 14 10-13, Philippians 2:9-11.) The Apostle Paul remembered his Jewish education about bowing to God alone.
Bowing down was more common in the ancient world than it is today. Bowing was a common form of worship in ancient religions. False gods and idols were bowed down to as an act of submission and devotion.
The Hebrew word in the Old Testament for bow is šāḥâ and it can also mean, “Prostrate oneself, beseech, fall down, or worship,” depending on the context it was used in.
After God rescued Israel from bondage, God commanded His people not to bow to other gods so that they may only serve and love Him completely. That is one of the most important parts of the Hebrew law (Exodus 20:3-5, Leviticus 26:1, Deuteronomy 5:7-9; 6:14, 2 Kings 17:35-36.)

- I am the Lord thy God.
- Have no other gods before me.
- Do not take the Lord’s name in vain.
- Honor thy mother and father.
- Thou shall not murder.
- Don’t murder.
- Do not commit adultery.
- Thou shalt not still.
- Don’t lie.
- Do not covet your neighbor.
Jesus taught his Disciples a lot about prayer and bowing to God only (Matthew 4:8-10.) Jesus made it clear that prayer should focus us on submission to God’s will (Matthew 6:6-13, Luke 11:2-4.)
Jesus taught His disciples to surrender to God only (John 12:24-26; 14:15.) Jesus made it clear His followers would seek a heavenly Kingdom instead of their selfish wants or earthly greatness (Matthew 6:33; 7:21, Luke 12:31.)
Elon Musk
Late this week President Trump launched a partnership with the big tech community to invest 500 billion dollars into a new AI infrastructure for America. The deal promises to help make America great by focusing on technology.
It will supposedly create hundreds of new jobs for Americans. However, the project is costly and risky at a price tag of a half billion dollars for a technology that has numerous red flags.

- Expensive
- Potentially dangerous
- Privacy issues
- Security issues
- Unclear possibilities
It didn’t take long after President Trump’s announcement for another one of the president’s biggest supporters Elon Musk, to disagree with his boss over the risky investment into Stargate.
One of the dangers of undivided loyalty is having to conform to unethical and immoral demands that contradict better understanding. It is uncertain about the future of the head of President Trump’s DOGE committee. Regardless of what President Trump desires, there is only one Savior to whom God’s people šāḥâ!