January 26, 2025

Seeing how my partner is personally dealing with their own anxieties about their own future under the new administration a bit of spiritual inspiration came to me. The inspiration came to me not only as a way to help my partner, but because I’ve seen other content creators online like Bruce W. Brackett give simple daily breathing exercises on their daily posts. I also have listened to a lot of content creators out there who are sharing their own concerns... Read more

December 23, 2024

It’s that time of year when we watch our favorite Christmas classics on TV, video, or otherwise.  One of those is A Christmas Carol that has been adapted in many forms over the years.  Below are some of my favorite variations of this timeless classic, including a new take that I hope catches on into the future. Mickey’s Christmas Carol – 1983 This is one of my favorite animated traditions to watch featuring an actual Disney character called Scrooge McDuck... Read more

November 29, 2024

  Now that election season is over, it’s time to think about the holidays.    A time to think about family, gifts, who’s going to host the big dinner and of course the parties and the decorating.  There is also fear of conversations and the many what-ifs that tend to come this time of year. However, not everyone is looking forward to this season.  Some people feel hurt, betrayed, and are just in a state of shock that they cannot... Read more

October 10, 2024

Even though Classical Music Month is in September, it does not mean we can’t stop learning or getting to know all of the wonderful pieces of classical religious music out there.  After doing a little personal research, I found out that most pieces composed were actually written in or for the Church.  In fact, quite a few composers were either Catholic, Lutheran or somewhere else on the Christian religious spectrum. What I found fascinating was the fact that some of... Read more

July 31, 2024

Taylor Swift has been making a lot of news politically as well as with Eras Tour.   She’s faced some praise as well as some criticisms.  Some of those relates a couple of her song lyrics from her latest album The Tortured Poets Department.  With this in mind, I thought I would analyze and discuss two of Taylor Swift’s songs that “seem” to critique the religion just a little bit.  These are the songs “Guilty As Sin” and “But Daddy I... Read more

May 30, 2024

Every year PBS broadcasts the National Memorial Day Concert from Washington D.C.  This year it was it’s 35th Anniversary.  It featured actors and actresses reading stories of vets who were in attendance, patriotic pomp and circumstance, and  moving musical tributes to those veterans who have passed on as well as those who are still with us.  This is a concert that is worth watching every year because the production is so well done.  This year’s concert was no exception. I... Read more

April 28, 2024

Every April is National Poetry Month in the United States.  This is a month that is very special to me because I happen to write poetry (on and off), and I have several favorite poets I like to read.   Since this special month is coming to a close, I would like to talk about my journey with poetry and why this month especially is close to my heart. So, how did I get into poetry? I had written some lines... Read more

March 13, 2024

Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” It’s that time of year!  Spring cleaning!  Time to open up our windows, air our the stale air and dust that’s been kept inside from the cold, and refresh our spaces.  Why is this such an important part of our life as we change from a colder season to a warmer or should be?  It’s because Spring is the symbol of renewal and... Read more

January 15, 2024

Everyone loves a little bit of trivia.  Trivia of any form is interesting whether it is religious or not.  I know personally for me, I’m a sucker for it.  Having said that. here are some of my favorite Catholic trivia questions I’ve found online from various sources that I thought would be of interest to the Catholic and non-Catholic a like.  Links to sources are at the bottom for more research and fun. How many Catholics are there in the... Read more

December 15, 2023

Several months ago, I wrote on this topic of Handel’s Messiah and I thought it was worth updating (and reprising if you will) this article on a very famous and classical piece of church and cultural history for Classical Music Month. When it comes to music, Christmas is the time of year where just one theme creates magic for all of us: family gatherings, snow on the ground, the birth of Jesus Christ, and the list goes on.  One of... Read more

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