Late this week, the big news was the good news of another possible cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. Remember this isn’t the first cease-fire that has brought hope to Israel for peace between God’s people in the terrorist state Hamas.
The senseless war and violence between Israel and Hamas have put the entire world on alert because of the importance of the region both spiritually and strategically. Nations around the world are concerned about what happens in the Middle East. By the end of the week, the deal was already in danger of collapsing for various reasons.
- Deception
- Greed
- Revenge
The much-anticipated cease-fire has been delayed for months until President-elect Trump takes office. Unfortunately, like most wars, the Middle East conflict has been politicized to serve those in power’s agenda.

Countless lives have been lost because of Netanyahu and Mr. Trump’s selfish agenda. There have been over 100 lives lost since this cease-fire deal was agreed upon. Netanyahu’s thirst for revenge has cost lives on both sides of the conflict.
Mr. Trump has threatened violence and consequences if he doesn’t get what he wants out of the Middle East. Both leaders’ approaches contradict the ways and teachings of God, which is why only God is the ultimate judge and Defender of His people (Isaiah 33:22).
Judges are an important part of both the legal and political systems. A judge is defined as, “One who makes judgments; one who gives an authoritative opinion.” Judges have authority and power.

The problem is judges are human and fallible, their judgments can be manipulated. The Bible is clear that the heart of every man and woman is evil (Genesis 6:5, Jeremiah 17, Psalm 118:8, and Isaiah 64:6.)
However, God is perfect in every way and only He is sinless, that is why only He makes the perfect Judge and King (Matthew 5:48.) Only God can judge and save us (Titus 3:5, James 4:12.)
No matter how hard we try, we cannot force ourselves to completely stop sinning (Romans 3:23, Hebrews 10:26, 1 John 1:8.) The apostles remembered their Jewish education about why we need a perfect Savior and Judge.
The ancient world was so dark and evil that God regretted making man (Genesis 6:4-6.) Mankind needed a savior to free it from the darkness and death. The Torah tells us God alone can judge and save anyone (Deuteronomy 1:17;10:17; 16:19-20;25:1.)
Because of the wickedness of the world, God has set His people apart to be a holy nation, not a great or earthly one (Exodus 19:6.) Israel understood God is the Judge and Savior of the world.
That is why they gave God the Hebrew name Jehovah-Shaphat which means, “God is our Judge or Defender.” God’s role as Judge isn’t like man’s, because God is righteous (Leviticus 19:15, Psalm 37:28, Ecclesiastes 12:14.) Below are some of the ways God renders His judgment.
- War
- Famine
- Wild animals
- Disease
The New Testament begins with a time of oppression, greed, and injustice. God’s people were unfairly treated and persecuted. The hope of the Messiah was for a King who would bring justice and salvation to God’s people (Isaiah 11:1-16; 61:1-2, Jeremiah 23:5, Micah 5:2, Zachariah 9:9.)

Jesus came as a Rabbi who taught, judged, and saved God’s people from both their oppressors and themselves (John 5:22; 9:39, Acts 10:42, 1 Peter 4:5.) God’s people are to put their hope in God alone, not another man or a political party (Matthew 12:21, Romans 15:13, 1 Timothy 4:10, Hebrews 10:23, 1 Peter 1:21.)
Trump’s Inauguration
This week there has been a lot of excitement among conservatives for the upcoming presidential integration. For the past five years, President-elect Trump has campaigned and promised to save America and make it great again.

In the meantime, Mr. Trump has flexed his earthly political muscle to push his agenda. Last weekend he met with conservative leaders to get everyone on the same page for his plans for America.
Thousands of Trump supporters were disappointed when he decided to move his inauguration indoors and only allow a select few to attend. Apparently, Mr. Trump can’t even save his supporters from cold weather. Even before the Israel-Hamas peace deal, Trump claimed he was the only one who could
bring peace to the Middle East. This is blasphemy in its purest form.
- Prideful
- Vengeful
- Deceptive
The idolatry of many conservatives is on display for the world to see as president-elect Trump promises to usher in a new Golden age of wealth and prosperity for America (Exodus 32:1-4, Psalm 96:4-5; 115:4-8.)
Earthly greatness and prosperity are foolish idols that cannot save us or make anyone great in the Kingdom of God (Isaiah 44:9-20, Matthew 19:30.) Like our Jewish forefathers, many conservatives have turned to temporary idols and fail to bow to Jehovah-Shaphat