“A sweater is like life, you get nothing out of it that you don’t put into it.”
Marilyn Monroe
It’s Hot here right now!
Today we woke up and our house was a soupy 69 degrees! Summer is still giving us its humid and sweat inducing grip day in and day out. A couple of nights ago we had a hum dinger of a storm that knocked our power out for a good while. We brought out the candles and fanned ourselves while the house grew much more humid and hot. I appreciate all seasons, I really do but I long for a cool walk on a fall day with my sweater wrapped around me.
Sweater Weather is one of my favorites
I have a confession to make. I love sweater weather. This weather is so important to me that I included it in my latest novel. There are a certain number of categories that belong to “A hug from the Lord.” Sweaters are indeed in that category. Biscuits come to mind, straight out of the oven with a little butter. Jesus is present. My grandmother’s pound cake, right up there with the angels. A hug from the Lord souths your weary soul just when you need it. That is what sweaters are to me and a handful of other things.

Sweaters are indeed a hug from the Lord
Now, me being a lover of the ability to just put on a sweater causes giddiness because no matter the season, I always run cold. Always. Well, except for this summer. I’ve looked at my cardigan hanging on my chair in the corner with longing. I also love fall and cooler temperatures. Living in the South where the summers are like Satan’s Greenhouse, the air is soupy, the sweat is real, and the general sense of everything is swampy is palpable. Pop up thunderstorms are the norm. Cicadas are the song that is sung virtually all day. Basically, it’s hot here! Having said all that, why would a girl who always runs cold like cooler weather? One word. Sweaters. They are soft, versatile, they can be long or short, big or small, different materials, but they offer one great thing. Warmth. I shared a quote by Marilyn Monroe because her words ring true. What are we putting into our lives or into the lives of others?
How can I be a sweater?
Are we checking on our neighbors, are we spreading positive words both in real life and online? Recently, I read that belief in God is at an all time low. I believe that this is quite evident in social media, the news, in communities, and in families. I grew up in the Sunday School generation where we were taught the Golden rule. Treat others like you want to be treated. There were other challenges that stemmed from that time, but I am quite thankful for the Judeo-Christian teaching. If belief in God is at an all time low, no wonder negativity and rigidness is the norm. Can we spread kindness and goodness to those around us? Each time I want to embrace the cold I will try my best to be like a sweater. Who needs a spiritual sweater? Whose soul is indeed quite cold? Could you provide that warmth? Sweaters. They truly are a gift.
I think God makes us much like a sweater. We can comfort others when they need it just like a hug from the Lord.

The Gift of Sweaters
Sweater, Jumper, Cardigan, Jersey, it has many names.
It’s a source of comfort on both cold and warm days.
A sweater can provide relief when you have the chills.
A sweater can be ugly, fashion, or have lots of frills.
Sweaters come in many shapes and sizes and can have many themes.
But the function of a sweater remains the same.
To provide warmth when you are cold.
To be cold is unfriendly, frigid, and frosty.
To be warm is to be affable, amiable, and comfy.
In a world where people are cold from dark days.
Try to be like a sweater, it will make the world a better place.