Rhema | It’s OK We’ll Make It
Granted, this post is from a Spirit-filled perspective.
Have you ever heard the preacher preach, and you can’t really remember much of what was said, yet you had to respond to the altar call anyway?
Have you ever shared “a Word” (Rhema) with someone else, and you can’t remember much of what you said, but it was exactly what they needed to hear?

Over the years I’ve come to realize these occurrences happen all over a Pentecostal church, not just at the altars. You never know when God is going to encourage you, or compel you to take a small step of action in response to His leading.
Furthermore, you’re never sure what you’re going to remember from these divine moments. Will you remember the experience, the Rhema, or both?
It really is going to be OK
Yesterday before church we were having table fellowship. I know what started the conversation and I know what ended the conversation, but I can’t recall all the details. It was an experience, a divine moment.
During those moments it was said to me, with some authority, “It really is going to be OK.” Or at least something very similar was said.
I cannot express the comfort this one line brought to me. I’m in a discerning process like I have never been in before. I have big decisions to make. To recount this Rhema, even now as I write, brings a calm to my interior life.
We’re going to make it
Knowing full well that there will be a storm, Jesus still says, “Let us cross over to the other side” (Mark 4.35, NKJV).
Seasoned fisherman forget these words of Christ as they face the greatest storm they’ve ever faced. Yet they knew in advance, the storm would not be their demise. They would reach the other side.
Can I latch on to Rhema that precedes the storms of life? Maybe there won’t even be a storm.
“We’re going to make it.”
Brandon Heath
“It’s All Right”
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