“Christmas is not a time or season, it is a state of mind.”
Calvin Coolidge
Just beyond the manger, I see no lullabies, I see no golden hay, I feel no starlight. Just beyond the manger. In my many years as a church musician I always accompanied our music minister each and every year with these words. The music is beautiful and the words move the spirit. What do we expect beyond the manger? The lights will inevitably be packed up until next year, the house will become semi-normal in the coming days. It is almost as if the magic and anticipation of Christmas is gone in a moment.
Life just beyond the manger
Just beyond the manger, I see no swaddling clothes, I hear no angels sing, I feel no candle glow. Just beyond the manger. Beyond the manger are resolutions for the new year, the much anticipated, “new year, new me” that we constantly tell ourselves as the year comes to a close. Many people that I am acquainted with are joyful that they made it through the year. It does seem that this year has been a very bad fever dream. What is going to happen? Is God still acting on our behalf? Does He still answer prayer? These questions have been posed to me more than once in recent history.

Just beyond the manger points us to Calvary
Just beyond the manger, I see a lonely hill, the Savior crying still, I hear the thunder roll. Just beyond the manger. When I took a moment to look at the lyrics for this song I was struck by this phrasing. The lonely hill of calvary brought a stark realization to my mind. How often have I complained about cleaning the Christmas decorations, the mounds of cooking, the stress of family gatherings and then there is the outside world with all of its absolute chaos. Do I look to the lonely mountain of calvary and Jesus’ painful sacrifice on my behalf? Or, do I take that joyful time of anticipation for the Christmas season and spend it in a fit of worry of what is to come next? Don’t get me wrong, it is part of the human condition to worry. We all worry in different ways, but God gives us the tools to navigate through anxiety with His help through scripture and prayer. .
Forgiveness awaits beyond the manger
Forgive us Lord, and grant us eyes to see in every Christmas, Calvary; Implant it in our hearts. Help us to recall amid the trees of red and gold on another tree raised long ago we raised God’s brightest star. Just beyond the manger. The beautifully poetic lyrics taught me something very important. I had lost sight of the meaning and message of Christmas. The world has invaded every nook and cranny with politics, doomscrolling, little to no prayer and copious complacency.
The world dulls our view beyond the manger
Recently I heard a pastor say, “Oh, you have let politics take over your life? That’s cute. Have you read through the Old Testament to see how many very bad kings the nation of Israel put their trust in rather than God? It was futile and produced worried and withered fruit.” Well, that pastor hit the nail on the head with his words. My mind and heart has been steadily there for some time with anger and bitterness taking root in my heart and mind. Just after that reflection, I asked God to give me eyes to see in every Christmas and every day, Calvary.

What can the year bring beyond the manger?
What can this new year bring just beyond the manger? If we, God’s people look to Him rather than the crazy world around us, He can grant us much needed peace in our souls. How did the people in the scripture find their peace in the midst of their upheaval? They cried out to God in their trouble and He heard them. I know it is redundant but we can’t look to our very flawed leaders for any semblance of peace, we can however pray for them. I’ve seen many people that I love and cherish act absolutely horrendously during this divided time (both online and offline in the real world) concerning their chosen leaders and if you don’t agree with them you should be cut off from humanity. The question must be asked, Is this following after Christ while looking beyond the manger to Calvary? I would wager not.
Let us look to Christ in the new year
Now that we are staring at another year ahead of us we have a choice to make. Will we dwell on what the earth gives or will we dwell where Christ is? He is seated on His throne ready and willing to guide us and to give us spiritual relief. After all, the eyes of the Lord are in every place. They watch the evil and the good. Thank you very much Joseph Martin for your beautiful music and lyrics that can inspire us to look beyond the manger and unto the cross to guide our way. Happy New Year to everyone. May we become more like Christ as each day passes.
This musing is dedicated to Ms. Anita Betts, October 17, 1929-December 24, 2024.
She was my mentor, friend and encourager extraordinaire. She told me to write when no one had seen my work. She told me to dare to chase my dreams after raising my children (with the wonderful help of my husband). Thank you for the stories, the coffee, the laughter, the crying, and the wonderful stories of your youth. I’ll miss you much. Rest well. Run with Jesus.