“Although the threads of my life have often seemed knotted. I know, by faith, that on the other side of the embroidery there is a crown.” Corrie Ten Boom
One of the interesting and lonely tasks of an empty nest is sorting through shelves and closets that have long sat neglected. Life was once full of kids and activities, today it is full of memories and full closets. Some of the finds in these nooks and crannies have been absolute jewels. Old drawings, notes to mom and dad and tears of joy of a time gone by. Yesterday I found some folders from my dearly departed mentor the Reverend Pat Carver. It was a small folder called, “Sharing Life.” It was written in 1980, I was just a little bitty one at that time. As I thumbed through the pages, her musings were timeless and can most definitely minister to us today. I am going to share some of these over the next coming days. May her memory be a blessing.
Do you have a song in you? Do you sing from your heart? Is your life a song? If so, what is the tune? Is it one others want to listen to? Is it a pleasant restful song? Is it filled with hope, faith and love? Does it sing a praise to God? Or, is it a melancholy (low spirits, depression, sad) song? If so, it needn’t remain that. What does our life sing to others? Does our lifestyle and way of doing things attract or repel?

The usual reason people listen to certain kinds of music is because it appeals to them. It brings a certain kind of satisfaction. They complain if they have to listen to songs they don’t like. Music not to their liking causes a certain reaction in them: disgust, anger, fear, etc.. If they like and enjoy the music, they experience pleasure, peace, satisfaction and joy. Ephesians 5:19-20, Col. 3:16-17.
Father God rejoices over us with singing. Can you imagine His joy when He created the earth and all its beauty for us? His heart must have been filled with hoy and love as He said, “Light be.” Everything He does for us is good (James 1:17.) He is joyful when we accept our healing. How he must sing when we come to know how much He loves us! Can’t you imagine Him singing from His throne room when we walk in the fullness of Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross?
What does your song say to others?
What does your song say to others? Do they desire to live as we do? Is your song a song of victory, peace and faith? Do they hear good news from us in every area every day? Are they attracted and drawn to the One who sings in us, through us, and over us? Psalm 145:7 tells us to sing of His righteousness. James 5:13 asks, “Is any merry among you? Let him sing Psalms.” Psalm 66:2 tells us to sing forth the honor of His name and to make His praise glorious.

Find the song you want to sing
If your life hasn’t sung the song you want it to, it can. How? By asking Father to help you. By being obedient to His Word; by allowing Him, and His life to shine out through you daily. He is your strength (Exodus 15:2.) He is your joy. He is your healer, He is your peacemaker. He is your provider. He is your protector (Is. 12:2.) He is your deliverer (Psalm 32:7)
Let your life sing His Word. Let your life speak His Word. Let your life show forth His praise, so He will be please, you will be blessed, and others will be drawn to Him. Psalm 119:54