“God specializes in using ordinary people to do extraordinary things.” Chip Ingram
Tuesday is a pretty big day in America. I hope, no, I pray that we know the next president quickly with a peaceful transfer. Tomorrow many believers will be fasting and praying for the country. It seems as if crazy has ruled for many years now. Tempers are short, food costs are high, the world is on fire, and we need some blessed relief from the chaos. I would say, “Amen, absolutely so be it.” Recently I wrote an article that touches the subject of elections. If your person does not end up serving in the office you desire, if you are a believer. Jesus is still King.
God used willing rulers to accomplish His will
I’ve had some time to really ponder the past Kings in the Bible. The first that came to mind was David. The man after God’s own heart. David, who was deeply flawed. He was an adulterer, murderer, deceitful, lazy, lustful and reluctant to repent. That is just a few of his offenses. Yet God used him to write some absolutely beautiful Psalms and rule the people of Judah. A man who began as a simple shepherd and eventually a powerful king. Time and time again David poured out his heart to God in the Psalms. He was human that way.
One day he was lamenting being overrun by his enemies, the next he praised God for His faithfulness. His emotions were almost like what we mere mortals endure. Why did God use him? Why would God take such a flawed fallible person to accomplish His will? Dear readers, God will use those who He calls regardless of their shortcomings. He sees their heart and their willingness to follow His words despite their humanity. That is why.

What does this have to do with the presidential election?
God chose David to serve Him. The people of Israel desired a ruler, a king. They wanted to be like other nations that were around them. While we do not have a king, we do have a president and elected leaders in seats of power that in theory, have our best interests at heart. We must put our faith and hope in God for leaders whose hearts are open to His leadership in the country. Oftentimes I believe that we as a church have become lazy as a church in our prayers for those who are in authority over us. I will confess that I have grown jaded (and lazy) at the rampant corruption of the “do as I say, not as I do” attitude that permeates our politicians. I admit, I stopped praying. My thoughts? “Why do they need my prayers? They have way more money than me and they don’t know me at all.” Those assumptions are correct but my conscience, my walk with God says I need to pray that God will move their hearts in His direction. We must pray church and often. Look at the mighty moves of God in the Bible. Who ever said those mighty moves have ever stopped?
God still works and moves today
Recently I have been perusing a good portion of the Old and New Testament. I must admit, I don’t see any verse that says, “God has stopped working in our world today.” We may have more creature comforts, more data at our fingertips and more information than those in ages past but how does that impact God’s power? In my humble opinion, it does not. God has not changed. We have. God still desires a relationship with us. God still wants to bless our lives and He wants us to know His love. He also wants us to pray often. Look at the example of Jesus. He looked to the Father daily for direction. The disciples, Paul, Timothy, John, the list could go on. I encourage you all, dear saints, to pray each and every day for leaders with a heart like David. God still moves, He still works in our world. I am going to keep this article short. I encourage everyone, even those in different nations to pray for God to move boldly for our leaders. May they be men and women after God’s own heart.

This prayer was written in 1982 by Rev. Pat Carver, she has since left this world this prayer came to mind today. May we find this prayer applicable for our time right now.
Father, in Jesus’ Name, thank You for the United States of America. Thank You for the richness of this land in peace and abundance. Thank You for the bulwark of protection You have placed around it. We thank You that You are our Mighty Fortress and our God. Thank You for being our Strength and Song and Our Salvation. Ex. 15:2
We repent of our sins
We repent of our sins, and call upon Your Name and we thank You for hearing and leaving our land. II Chron. 7:14. We pray for our leaders and those in authority over us on every level. We offer our prayers for them and ask You to save them and to draw them by Your Spirit to call upon You, and seek Your wisdom and good judgment. We thank You they do not sit in the seat of the scornful, or walk in the counsel of the ungodly, but that they delight in Your ways. Thank You our President is free from the assassin’s bullets, and that You protect him in his spirit, soul, and body. Thank You that all the food he eats is safe and will do only good for his body. Thank You that he has a sound mind, a healed, strong body and gets peaceful, refreshing sleep every night. Thank you for blessing him with long life.
Help us to be more like You
Father, since You are not a God that has pleasure in wickedness, we ask You to deliver our land from wickedness. We thank You that You lift up Your countenance upon us, and grant us peace. Numbers 6:26. Father, please deliver us from pride, gluttony, and abundance of idleness, and help us to always strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. Ez. 16:49. Help us to always remain compassionate and full of mercy toward those who need Your mercy and love. Help us as a Nation, to do all we do as unto You, and not for political or social reasons to impress men. Thank You that You sent Jesus to save us from our sins. Thank You we will continue to bless Israel and will not turn our back on them. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for the leaders of Israel.
As Your people, we do bless You our God, and make the voice of Your praise to be heard. We thank You that You will exalted among the nations and exalted in the earth.
Pray dear readers, pray.