Today, as I rose, there was an eerie feeling quite similar to the days before September 11th, 2001. Clear skies. The smiling sun gifting us with 70 degree weather in November. Go figure. Yet, the stillness hoards a familiar undercurrent. A rage incomparable to the fury felt on the Capitol steps of January 6th, 2021. It derives from the voting effect.
Trump won, so what? Shouldn’t he be in prison?
If you voted against Kamala Harris due to her abortion agenda, please, think again. I came across a post on Instagram and immediately shook my head. The author submitted that Hollywood will have a field day if abortion is legalized under Harris. While abortion goes against God, there are times when He himself has ended a life or two. You may say, He is God and owns that right. I will certainly agree with you. However, my concern arises when we believe that those killing children through abortion, for satanic reasons, will be stopped by allowing these babies to be born. Are we aware that many of these children will be captured and used for satanic rituals anyway?
If an unwanted child is placed into foster care, or a group home, that child is more likely to be kidnapped and trafficked for sex and satanic rituals. I’m not saying abortion should be used as a prophylactic, or as a plan B, but those women needing to survive during a pregnancy/child birth or females having been raped deserve a say. I am a female. Therefore, my body belongs to me and God, and if I get married… my husband. Any man who disapproves, check the skeletons in your closet before retorting to this comment.
As a former foster child, I witnessed first hand the sexual nature emerging in foster homes. As a former attendance coordinator, I was privy to the numerous removals of children-in-the-system from rosters due to a change in their address. With children frequently exchanging spaces, opportunities for child abduction upswings.
Black men and police brutality
One thing I haven’t heard Evangelical Christians for Trump discuss is the threat of elevated police brutality on Black men, Black women, Black children and other people of color. They are too busy enamored by the number of White preachers praying for Trump publicly. I’m sure there are BIPOC preachers praying for the man, as well, but Caucasian ministers seem to lead the parade. Therefore, I pose this question to them: Is America headed back to the “galant South” based on the number of her red states?
People like to use the phrase, “It doesn’t matter who wins, God is in charge.” Yet, where was this same energy when the man lost in 2020 and folks got behind the assault on the capitol? Strangely enough, there are Christians that believe the assault was warranted, justified even. These are the same group of believers who probably stem from American slavery plantation owners who employed the Word of God to hate, enslave, torture, and kill Black bodies. Newsflash! Shem was a man of color, too.
Will we have to re-create public service announcements for Black brothers and sisters to brace themselves for another four years of possible oppression from the ones deemed to serve and protect? “Backwards Never” is a slogan believers use in spiritual warfare, but has this win thrown some of us in a creek with a symbolic fan around our neck?
Kamala’s Carefree Laissez Faire
Her disappearing acts as a vice president make it quite difficult to judge the job she could do as president. The concept reminds me of the education system. Those leaders gone roque, or deemed unfit to serve, are promoted instead of released. I’m sure Mr. Trump can speak to this as well.
Yet, its the spiritual aspect that concerns me. She seems to serve a different saviour one with ties to the original serpent. Like Trump, she parades the use of religion for votes, but its her affiliation with Obama that concerns me. For eight years, he allegedly pranced a man at his side who appeared to be a wife. (The theory has been countered by CNN, saying Joan Rivers was being comedic in her claim. Did Joan say that? Plus, from the looks of the video it seems pretty serious to me.) That deception alone deters me from making her my candidate. It’s the silent reconfiguration of the Black family with a female absent from its conversion that disturbs me. It wasn’t enough for the government to tear the Black family apart in the 1960’s and 1970’s with the influx of drugs in the community. Now, the single Black female struggles to find her mate in a man as hidden transgenderism in the Black community spikes.
It’s also Harris’ need to fit in at the expense of “her” own folks (You decide.) She’s pro-everything the other team isn’t until she isn’t. Then, she attempts to rally the Black vote through raunchy performances at her rallies, late night tv appearances, infomercials during award shows, and through voices of celebrities. I wonder if they were paid? Who really are “her people’ at this point?
In any case, its the banter, and her inability to answer questions wisely without support. Not that Trump has been much better in that arena, but her shiftiness makes her less trustworthy especially as we head to the final stretch of end-times. One knows what they are going to get with Trump. It ain’t good, but at least you know. With VP Harris, she can be locking up Black men one minute, then in the next breath be at one of their wild parties.
Times up!

This just in. God’s wrath on America will not halt because Trump is in office. Brace yourself. God is repaying this land for blood unjustly spilled (not solely abortions), hate crimes, freewill thought to hold no consequences, and the remaining abominations listed in the Word of God. Prepare. Those who know, remain in prayer. This recompense has been centuries in the making.