As The World Continues To Turn Let Music Be Your Solace

As The World Continues To Turn Let Music Be Your Solace October 26, 2024

Music is a great healer
Image Courtesy of Pixabay

“Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.” Maya Angelou

The study of music has shaped my entire life

Since the ripe young age of about 8, I have had music lessons. I started on the piano, and kept it up through my college years and I still play as an adult. I also took flute lessons and voice lessons. My father was a musician, it was important to him that all of his kids play instruments. In college, I had to acquire a rudimentary understanding of all instruments. I can play a scale on most instruments and eke out Mary Had a Little Lamb if pressed to do so. One day years ago, I was in a time of prayer about life, the universe and everything. I felt the overwhelming conviction to learn how to play the guitar. At the time I thought, “I already play oodles of instruments, that is enough.” As providence would have it, that next Sunday at church a member came to me and said, “I was praying yesterday and I felt led to give you this guitar.” After getting over my utter surprise I thanked the kind member. I had not told a soul that I had that conviction. I knew it was a divine appointment. 

The providential gift of a guitar help deepen my spiritual appreciation of music

As I opened the guitar, it had everything that was needed to start the journey of learning. Picks, a capo, extra strings and some music to learn. After looking everything over, I started the process of learning about calluses that are formed when you start to play an acoustic guitar, how to use the frets for chords and to play some songs. After that, surprisingly enough I was gifted with a classical guitar as well. I really think that God wanted me to learn. Why am I sharing all of this? I am sharing because music is a great healer, a solace, a big puzzle piece in the jigsaw of life. America is facing some interesting times at the moment. Personally I believe that even after the election we are going to be in for a speed bump or correction of sorts. We cannot continue as we have been for so long. Deeply divided. Since about 2016 I have met with a little lady who has had plenty of life experience. She shared the same sentiment. 

Music is a great healer
Fall Mums
Kathy King

The wisdom of elders is invaluable

You see, she was born before World War II. She lived through some pretty tough times. We used to sit together and drink coffee and contemplate life. Ms. Anita always had words of wisdom for a “Young one” like me. One such statement was as follows: “My child, there have been many generations since mine that have not experienced a life changing event. While that is a very good thing, it does tend to make society forget what a blessing this country truly is. I fear it may go too far and only something life changing will get everyone’s attention to see what they truly have.” She also talked often about how music did get her through some very tough times in life. Songs like, Singin’ in the Rain, When You’re Smiling, In the Cool of the Evening. These songs just barely touched the surface. 

The lessons of Ms. Anita live on

Today I pondered her wisdom once again. No matter what is coming, Lord willing we will find some semblance of societal peace. May we also turn to the solace of music to help us through what seems to be a time riddled with a lot of worry. As a lifelong musician, I can tell you music is a great healer, an amazing solace and music brings together people that would otherwise be adverse to one another. Music is a universal language that we can speak to each other when we can’t quite fathom what is going on around us. I encourage you all, dear readers, to find the song of your life and sing it for all to hear.  Please feel free to check out my Youtube channel, I’ve started taking the leap to share some of my music (I will be uploading just about daily, I’ve recorded a lot of songs over the years.) I will be sharing more in the coming days. I’ve also compiled a playlist to lift one another up (playlist here.)  I leave you with this quote by Herbie Hancock: “Music happens to be an artform that transcends language.” Play on dear readers! Play on.

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