We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. Buddha
I don’t know about you all but my timeline is full of politics, opinions, more opinions, opinions piled upon opinions and then more opinions. If you click on the link the algorithm is going to send you more op-ed articles about opinions. You almost need to peek through your fingers when opening any social media app or watching something. This article is dedicated to cleansing our timeline. We detox our bodies, we bathe our bodies, we drink teas that will perhaps rejuvenate us. Can we not do the same with our timeline?

What do I mean?
Take a moment to purposefully seek out content that brings you joy. I’ve picked a few places that I like to dwell when the timeline gets heavy. I like to peruse Patheos for articles to support other writers and to get a little spirit lift. One such article is by Shaunti Fedlhahn. She wrote a lovely musing about fighting anxiety by pointing out positive things in your life. I agree. Sure, things may be a little scary at the moment, but what can we glean that is good? Engaging in this activity can cleanse the timeline.
Find reels of puppies!
Puppies, kittens, ducks, even alligators. The internet is full of little pick me ups. The Pet Collective is one of my favorite places to dwell when the timeline gets a little much. Here is a good list of places to dwell when the timeline is getting dark:
Vintage Lane is a feel good playlist, now it is from the 40s but it is wonderful. Give it a try. It reminds you of a time gone by. As a musician, music can completely cleanse your timeline. I am putting together one as we speak and will share it with you all soon. A few more sites to visit.

Take a little time to pray
Prayer can soothe the soul. If you feel overwhelmed with your timeline, stop and take a breathe and pray. Here are some good prayers to contemplate.
- Faith Gateway
- 7 Psalms to Pray when you are overwhelmed
- 6 Bible Verses for when you are overwhelmed
- Prayers for Life
Finally, build one another up. If you see someone whose timeline that needs to be refreshed, pass it on to them. After all, kindness is free so pass it on. Stay tuned for my next article called Channeling the Mind of an Olympian. Thank you for reading!