January 30, 2025

The Prescience of Tony Campolo: He Warned Us The year was 1985. The “Reagan Era” was in full swing. Conservative Christians were shouting Reagan’s praises. In the midst of the noise evangelical writer and speaker Tony Campolo (d. 2024) wrote a chapter that warned about the future. The book was strangely titled: We Have Met the Enemy and They Are Partly Right. The book is about secular thinkers often labeled “the enemy” by conservative Christians in America and how they... Read more

January 26, 2025

Against Liberal Theology: Chapter 1: The Liberal Christian Tradition and Its Theology Here I continue my commentary on my own book and my invitation to those who are reading it with me to comment and ask questions. If you are not reading the book, you may ask a question. In this chapter, Chapter 1, I survey the history of liberal theology (not “liberal religion” which is a much broader category)—from Friedrich Schleiermacher to Douglas Ottati. And I state my central... Read more

January 23, 2025

Being in “Inner Exile” What is “inner exile?” I learned the phrase from President George Brushaber of Bethel College and University (now Bethel University) who used it to describe faculty members (and possibly staff) who have “check out” of the institution but who still function in it. In other words, it is a disposition, a posture toward “home” or “community” or “the leadership.” Immediately when I heard George (we were on a first name basis) say that, I knew what... Read more

January 20, 2025

Against Liberal Theology: Introduction Here I begin our discussion of my book Against Liberal Theology: Putting the Brakes on Progressive Christianity (Zondervan, 2022). I invite comments and questions from readers of the Introduction, but only questions from non-readers. In some cases I will be able only to say “Read the book.” In about a week I will comment here on Chapter 1 and invite comments and questions. In the Introduction I say that “liberal theology” is a tradition. I will... Read more

January 17, 2025

Why I Wrote “Against Liberal Theology” This coming Monday (give or take a day) I will open discussion of my book “Against Liberal Theology: Putting the Brakes on Progressive Christianity” (Zondervan). If you want to participate, read the Introduction. You may comment if you read it but only ask questions if not. Before diving into the book, though, I want to say why I wrote it and why I think I am qualified to write such a book. I wrote... Read more

January 15, 2025

Who Is A “Good Person?” New Years Day I was window shopping in a large suburban mall. I saw a new store. I’ve never seen it before. “The Be A Good Person Store.” Think about it for a moment. The store (and its web site) sells tee shirts, sweatshirts and other clothes that all display the imperative “Be A Good Person.” Streaming past the store were hundreds of people of many kinds. I wondered what the owners of the store... Read more

January 10, 2025

Either For Or Against Capital Punishment President Joe Biden recently commuted the sentences of about thirty federal prison inmates on death row. Reducing their sentences to life in prison without the possibility of parole. However, he let three death row inmates’ death sentences stand. News reports said Biden is opposed to the death penalty. I propose that one cannot really be “opposed to the death penalty” and make exceptions—supporting the execution of even one person. Another example is Israel’s condemnation... Read more

January 8, 2025

False But Inspiring? Can It BE? One characteristic of liberal theology (but not unique to it) is the idea that the Bible is only (or especially) “our sacred stories” but not historically true. Of course, that is referring to the histories contained in the Bible—stories of what purportedly actually happened. It’s not referring to proverbs or psalms or parables. The claim is that an account purporting to tell something that really happened can be fictional but inspiring. That is my... Read more

January 6, 2025

Why I Wrote Against Liberal Theology I recently announced a new book discussion here—beginning around January 20–to give everyone time to order and receive the book (Against Liberal Theology: Putting the Brakes on Progressive Christianity [Zondervan]). I’m already receiving some predictable responses that call for explanation of the book. For many years I have put up with people, especially Christians, misusing the label “liberal” in conversations about theology. What most people don’t know is that liberal theology is a tradition;... Read more

January 4, 2025

A New Book to Discuss: Against Liberal Theology This is one of my most recent books, published by Zondervan in 2022. The subtitle is Putting the Brakes on Progressive Christianity. I will open discussion of the Introduction (pp. 1-15) on or about January 20 (2024). That gives everyone time to order the book and receive it. Of course, you can get it faster via Kindle. But I know some people like to have a physical copy of a book. So,... Read more

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