January 30, 2025

What does the term, “Disciple of Jesus” mean to you? Do you consider yourself a disciple of Jesus? Would you know how to explain to someone else what it means to be a disciple of Jesus? John the Baptist came on the scene before Jesus. He was a disciple of Jesus before the concept or idea was even a thing. The Gospel of John unpacks John the Baptist’ view and calling as a disciple of Jesus. His view and calling... Read more

January 20, 2025

Jesus embodies all the grace God has for you and me. John the Beloved says in the Gospel of John, “Jesus represents the fullness of the Father’s grace and truth.” Jesus is not only a truth teller but a grace giver. Most of us struggle to give grace and tell others the truth simultaneously, but not Jesus. He is most known for the phrase, “I tell you the truth…” and He is most seen as one who gives grace. Every... Read more

December 12, 2024

Peace is not just a feeling, it is also a condition, a mindset, a state of being. It is a relationship with God Almighty who created you and loves you. Peace is where we want to live. But we live in an unpeaceful world full of strife, envy, jealousy, rage, competition, anxiety, fear, worry, and yes lust. We crave what we don’t have, and we don’t want what we do have. We long for peace. The peace of God is... Read more

November 30, 2024

Seven years ago, God spoke a word to me. He said, “A network of pastors will fall.” As a good Southern Baptist pastor, it is hard to make sense of words like this from the Lord. No one wants to receive a negative word from the Lord for the future and then sadly watch it play out repeatedly in small and very mega ways locally and globally in the media. In the time of Nehemiah, he observed something very similar.... Read more

November 23, 2024

One of the major holidays in the United States is Thanksgiving Day. The modern national celebration dates to 1863. It has been linked to the Pilgrims 1621 harvest festival. The holiday generally revolves around giving thanks with the centerpiece of most celebrations being a Thanksgiving dinner. Although prayers and thanks were probably offered at the 1621 harvest gathering, the first recorded religious Thanksgiving Day in Plymouth happened two years later in 1623. On this occasion, the colonists gave thanks to... Read more

November 18, 2024

The Enemy is great at paralyzing our faith through fear. We stare at the opposition long enough and we lose our courage to do what God has called us to do. Elijah, the prophet of God, stood against the enemies of God and stood for the Lord God. The Lord is asking each of us to do the same. The 2024 Presidential Election of the United States is complete and with it came some laws that have been codified. One... Read more

October 8, 2024

Listening to God is costly, but it is certainly cheaper than ignoring Him and going it alone. I believe the primary purpose of a pastor is to help their sheep hear their God speak to them too. Do you remember the first time God ever spoke to you? I do. But do you remember the first time you decided to intentionally listen for God? I do, thanks to my childhood pastor, my dad. The first time God speaks it is... Read more

September 11, 2024

  In the first 2024 presidential debate, Vice President, Kamala Harris said she would “proudly” sign a bill into law that restored the federal right to an abortion. She went on to say, “One does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government and Donald Trump certainly should not be telling a woman what to do with her body,” Harris said. So, Harris is arguing that Jesus is for or allows abortion under the... Read more

August 29, 2024

Not too long ago a member of the church I pastor, Vanguard Church in Colorado Springs, asked me a question, she said, my daughter wanted me to ask you, “Why do you hate Lauren Daigle?” Of course, that question is like asking, “When are you going to stop beating your wife?” The conclusion of guilt has already been drawn and now the question was simply, it seemed, just seeking to find out why I hated her. First off, as a... Read more

August 21, 2024

  Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at him. (Mark 12:17) In Jesus day people were having trouble giving to the government what was due it. Today as followers of Jesus Christ we seem to be having trouble rendering to God what belongs to God. “Christian” is a category in a believer’s life in Jesus that should be higher and greater than “American”... Read more

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