January 22, 2025

Blessed are those who mourn Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness/justice Blessed are the merciful Blessed are the peacemakers (Matt 5:4, 6, 7, 9) We rejoice that a ceasefire has been declared in Gaza. However, our rejoicing must be tempered. It must be tempered by the fact that the conditions that led to the assault on Gaza haven’t been resolved. In many ways, things are worse, much worse, than they were on October 6, 2023. The ceasefire... Read more

January 20, 2025

Maybe you haven’t heard, but there is a Genocide going on, and in case you didn’t know, it is happening with “our” sanctioning and “our” tax dollars. So, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr., I thought addressing the war on Gaza would be appropriate. I believe that MLK would have been a staunch advocate for ending the Genocide. NB: When I initially wrote this post–earlier last week–there were some initial reports that a ceasefire deal was in the works.... Read more

January 13, 2025

In my first post in this series, I began with a lunch encounter I recently had with the President of the Seminary where I teach. I mentioned that I wondered if my confession that my wife and I were not currently attending church might cost me my teaching position at the Seminary. My consternation derived partly from the reality that many Christians do not know what to do with those who are not in a local church at the moment—perhaps... Read more

January 6, 2025

Well, I am sure that Donald Trump’s election will provide plenty of material for this blog. This does not mean that I am excited. Actually, I am quite fearful. Of course, please don’t misunderstand: I pray that I am wrong. In fact, I will try to keep this post handy so that I can repost it 4 years from now in order to report any fears that prove unfounded. I hope that this article, four years from now, will be... Read more

December 23, 2024

I recently had a conversation with another pastor-friend. At one point, we moved on to a controversial topic. I began to share with him that I had been rethinking the issue. Since he was intrigued and since I knew I could trust him, I shared my thoughts. When I finished, he acknowledged that what I was thinking made sense. Then, I commented, “You realize that you can’t have this conversation with anyone in your Church. You might be able to... Read more

December 18, 2024

I recently had lunch with the President (who is a good friend) and some of the other faculty members of the seminary where I teach. During the conversation, the President turned to me and asked, “So, Rob, where are you going to church these days?” I immediately wondered if my position at the seminary was in jeopardy. I can’t help but consider whether the Church resembles a burning building today. I am not suggesting that it has simply become corrupted. I wonder if... Read more

November 25, 2024

Palestinian Pastor Munther Isaac recently posted, “The irony for us Palestinian Christians is that evangelicals, with their overemphasis on prophecy, have lost the capacity of being prophetic. You want to prove that the Bible is right? You don’t do this by pointing to self-fulfilling prophecy or by pointing to world events as prophecy fulfillment. This is not how you prove that the Bible is right. We prove that the Bible is right by radical obedience to the teaching of Jesus—by... Read more

November 18, 2024

I have yet to offer my thoughts on the election. Instead, last week, I began to offer some thoughts on the present war on Gaza and the fate of the Palestinians. (part 1; part 2). NB: I have expressed in the past that Israel’s assault on Gaza is not good for Israel. I am convinced that it will lead to the demise of Israel in the near future. How near? Time will tell. In my last two posts, I noted... Read more

November 14, 2024

What do I think about the elections last week? Well, my first concern has been what this means for the war on Gaza. The war has continued to advance for months, and we have tuned it out. As if our elections were more important than the deaths of thousands of women and children. In my last post, I asked, “What would I do if my child were illegally detained and tortured for months?” Although I do not believe in violence,... Read more

November 12, 2024

Well, I suppose you might be expecting my reaction to the election results. Honestly, I am still processing things. I will say, at this point, that I am deeply grieved—as I have been for some time now—at the state of the Church. I suppose that the election provided more confirmation that the Church is deeply broken and, as I have thought for some time now, maybe even irreparably broken. But more on this in an upcoming post. When I say... Read more

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